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Monday, February 28, 2011


“Then Joseph had a dream,…Now he had still another dream,”  (Genesis 37:5 & 9)

Dreams are truly strange. Most of the time they disappear from my memory almost as soon as my eyes open. I know I was dreaming, but I just can’t remember the dream. Much of the time my dreams represent a mixture of past memories. It’s as if my mind took the events and people of my recent and distant past and rearranged them with no order or structure. Sometimes my dreams jump from scene to scene…kind of disconnected…they have no meaning. One moment I am back in high school. The next scene finds me in places I’ve never been. Very seldom do my dreams have any sort of spiritual significance. If anything, they are far more likely to have their beginnings in undigested pizza rather than God. At least that is the way it tends to work for me.

Joseph, on the other hand, received not just one, but two dreams. And, both of his dreams were divine in nature. Both dreams spoke of events that were yet to come. There was a time when Joseph would be elevated above his family. And, regardless of the specific interpretation of the dream, it was clear to both his brothers and his father that the dreams meant only one thing. Joseph, who had lived his whole life as his father’s favorite, now seemed to be also God’s favorite.

Now, before you start sending me emails, let me just say, I am not against dreams. God can and does speak through dreams. But, I believe His Word should be the place where we really seek His voice. Too many people are looking for meaning in dreams, while the whole time His Word sits ignored and neglected gathering dust on the coffee table. Yes, God spoke through dreams in the Bible. He also spoke through a donkey. But that doesn’t mean we need to bring livestock into the pulpit on Sunday mornings. We should be a person who has built our life on His word. Because God will never say anything in a dream that does not reflect the teaching of His word…that would just not be consistent with His nature.

One thing we need to remember about Joseph’s dreams…the dreams did not warn Joseph about the difficult days that lay ahead of him. A God given dream does not exempt us from pain or sacrifice. The dreams that God give rarely come without a price. God does not give dreams so that we can parade around with an air of spiritual superiority. If anything, it should remind us of the importance of submission, sacrifice, and service. It is true that Joseph’s brothers would indeed bow down one day before him. But not before Joseph journeyed through almost 20 long years of injustice and suffering.

My point is just this. If God has given you a dream, don’t use it as a means to promote yourself. Instead, use it as a sign that you need to prepare yourself. That is what Joseph should have done. That is what we should do.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


There is an old illustration that comes to my mind this morning. Come along with me to a third grade classroom. There is a nine-year-old kid sitting at his desk and all of a sudden, there is a puddle between his feet and the front of his pants are wet. He thinks his heart is going to stop because he cannot possibly imagine how this has happened. It's never happened before, and he knows that when the boys find out he will never hear the end of it. When the girls find out, they'll never speak to him again as long as he lives.

The boy believes his heart is going to stop; but, he puts his head down and prays this prayer, “Dear God, this is an emergency! I need help now! Five minutes from now I'm dead meat.” He looks up from his prayer and here comes the teacher with a look in her eyes that says he has been discovered. Panic begins to immerge.

As the teacher is walking toward him, a class mate named Susie is carrying the class pet goldfish’s bowl that is filled with clean water. Susie trips in front of the teacher and dumps the bowl of water in the boy's lap. The boy pretends to be angry, but all the while is Saying to himself, “Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Lord!“

Now, all of a sudden, instead of being the object of ridicule, the boy is the object of sympathy. The teacher rushes him downstairs and gives him gym shorts to put on while his pants dry out. All the other children are on their hands and knees cleaning up the mess around his desk. The sympathy is wonderful! But as life would have it, the ridicule that should have been his has been transferred to someone else, his newest best friend, Susie.She tries to help, but they tell her to get out. “You've done enough, you Klutz!'

Finally, at the end of the day, as they are waiting for the bus, the boy walks over to Susie and whispers, “You did that on purpose, didn't you?” Susie whispers back, “I wet my pants once, too.”

May God help us see the opportunities that are always around us to do good. Each and everyone one of us will find ourselves at a place where we’re going through tough times. But, God is getting ready to give blessings of His grace to you in a way that only He can.  God's dream is that we become a little grace factory...because blessings and grace…will change lives.

Father, I ask You to bless my friends, relatives and those who I care deeply for, who are reading this right now. Show them a new revelation of Your love and power. Holy Spirit. I ask You to minister to their spirit at this very moment. And, where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy. Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace. Where there is need, I ask you to fulfill their needs. Bless their homes, their families, their finances, their goings and their comings. Amen.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Dear God in Heaven…You know so well that I am not a hater. There are very few things in this world that I hate. You have created this world and all that is in it, and said that “It is good.” How can I hate that which You have made. I know that mankind messed up that which You created as perfect, and with our disobedience, sin, death, disease, and suffering entered Your perfect place. So, I am conflicted this morning, Lord…I am not a hater. There are certainly many things that really annoy me. And, I suppose there are some things that would have to go in the category of “strongly dislike,” but, there are not many things that I hate.

But, Lord, cancer is one of those things that I hate. And, once again my heart is heavy for someone dear to me who has heard that awful word, “cancer.” I HATE cancer. I hate how many people it takes from this world. I hate how it has ruthlessly robbed me of so many precious people from my own life. I hate especially the cruel way it goes about taking people who are Your precious creation…Your children. I hate how it is so uncaring to the people who survive it with great joy having beaten this terrible monster…only to live a life of apprehension every time they go to the doctor wondering “Is it back?” I hate what it puts people through who fight for their life to survive it. The weeks and months of surgeries, doctor visits, chemo treatments, radiaton…the weakness, sickness, and constant battle with discouragement.

I hate what it put my mother in law through. I hate what it put my family members through who suffered from it…and, I hate what it put their spouses and children through as they helplessly stood beside as caregivers and supporters. I hate that three men who are so important in my life…three godly men…three men who love You with all their hearts…and now the most godly woman I know…a woman who thrives on serving You by touching the lives of young women. These are men and women who have more courage and faith than many…who have to battle with this hateful and destructive disease. The only good that comes from their suffering is that I can see and learn what true faith and trust in You can do to calm the anxious soul. I hate that it is indiscriminate in who it afflicts. I cares not that many of the people who it so viciously strikes are some of the most caring, giving, and courageous people I have ever known.

Most of the time I don’t mind weeping all that much, Lord, You know how often my heart breaks and I cannot help but throw myself at Your feet, and ask for Your peace, comfort. But, right now… I hate that I’m weeping,…I hate that because of this disease, I must share the anguish of so many others who are battling hard. I hate to cry just because of cancer….I just hate it.

So Father, let not my hate for this cruel disease quench the Spirit. Allow the Holy Spirit to flow freely through me. Hear my prayers to those who have developed this disease which is so much feared. Be with them in their fear, their loneliness, their uncertainty. Help them as questions crowd their mind: Will I be cured? Will there be pain? How long will I live? How will my family handle this? Lord, be with them in their journey, but I ask with all my heart that they be healed. I pray they will KNOW from Whom their healing comes…and I pray they give the glory to You. And, Lord, for those whose healing is not in Your great plan, I pray You to be with them through the journey. Give peace, let them live with hope, relieve their pain, and let them know Your presence. Give strength to their loved ones who provide such great support for each other. Let them know that Your great hands are supporting them all. We pray in agreement with Your own Words in Jeremiah 30:17 “But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds declares the LORD.” Let it be so, in Jesus Name. Amen

Monday, February 21, 2011


“I assure you, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it for me!” Matthew 25:40 NLT'

I once remember seeing a picture or poster of a homeless man lying in a dirty gutter holding a bottle in a paper bag by his side. It brought back memories of growing up with an alcoholic father. For many years I struggled with the thought of that person being much like my dad. And, I had to come to grips with all the emotions inside of hurt and shame. But, at the bottom of that picture was a quote from Mother Teresa that helped me look a little differently at my father, who has been gone now for over forty years, which read, “You love Jesus only as much as the person you love the least.”

For all that we don't understand about the life of Jesus and the true nature of God, there is one truth that He made completely clear. The Christian faith is about service and humility. It's about helping those who can't help themselves. It's about loving others more than we love ourselves…even those who are the most unlovable among us.

What is the sign of true followers? Is it the amount of knowledge that we have? Is it the money we give to missions? Is it the number of degrees we've earned? Or, the number of people we've preached to? Is it the hours we've spent worshiping in church? Or, the number of books we've read? According to Jesus, the sign of the saved is their love for the least.

I remember an story that was told of when Francis of Assisi left his wealth behind to seek God, he stripped naked and walked out of the city. I thought that was a little over the top, but that was Francis. The first person he encountered on his journey was a leper on the side of the road. He first passed by him,…then he paused…and, turned back. He embraced the leper in his arms before continuing his journey. A few steps down the road he turned and saw that the leper was gone. Until his dying day, Francis of Assisi was convinced that the leper was Jesus.

You know,…even if he was wrong,… he was right.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


I’m not really a person who issues challenges to people. Not that I am intellectual above challenges…it’s just that usually someone just whips the tar out of me at most challenges. But, this challenge is one I hope you will whip the tar out of me on. And, it's a challenge that has got nothing to do with how many twinkies you can eat in a minute, or which one of us looks better in a sumo wrestler thong (that picture ought to make you go blind). In fact, it has nothing to do with any of that stuff. I'm not going to tell you what it does have to do with until the end of this blog...and no, the challenge isn't to see if you can actually make it to the end of the blog.

I have been thinking a lot about eternity lately. And, like most of you I have experienced loss of people close to me. Some of these precious friends and relatives passed into eternity with the love and grace of God in their souls. There is a great comfort in knowing in my heart that they are resting in the arms of their Savior. There are others whom I would never attempt to speculate where they are spending their eternity. I am not attempting to judge and certainly don’t mean to, but I can‘t help but contemplate about what I actually did... and what more I could have done to help influence where they are now. With some, I actually did okay…with others, I wonder if there was more I could have done. Do you ever think about that stuff? If you do…before I get to our challenge, can you bring some of those to mind who passed into eternity…maybe still separated from God?

Let’s do a quick thirty second review in our mind of the ways we showed God's love to them while they were still alive. Maybe our list would include: inviting them and their family over for Christmas Dinner; or leaving firewood on their doorstep; playing with their kids; maybe offering them employment or help when they lost their job; maybe it was being a friend as they battled drug or alcohol abuse. It could be something as simple as inviting them to a special function at church; buying them a Bible; inviting them to a Bible Study. For guys, maybe it could have been inviting them to a Men’s Fellowship Breakfast at church, or for a woman, to be invited to a Women’s Prayer Retreat. Maybe it could have been offering to pay for a marriage encounter weekend and offering to watch their kids for that same weekend. Maybe it could be you invited them and their kids to join you for lunch after church. Maybe it was taking a moment to listen, and even pray for their situation and their marriage. The list can be so extensive can’t it?…If we really actually did those things. What an influence for God we could have been!

So, what am I doing with people who haven't passed away yet? I know we have all met some pretty nice people around us…as well as a couple of jerks…but they all need God. I wonder if I made a list of all the people I have personally invited to come to church with me…even if it meant I might have to go a little out of my way to pick them up…I wonder if the number would be…ZERO. I know they need to know Jesus, yet the number is zero. I know their life is not going well for their family, yet the number remains zero. How about you? How many have you invited to Church? And, more important…if you have actually invited people to church, have they included more than people you already knew were Christians, or people already going to another church?

Here is the challenge (just in case anyone is still reading this)…How many people are you going to invite to go to church with you in the next thirty days…10...5...1... ZERO? I'm challenging you (and me) to make sure that number is NOT zero. We should never give up on anyone, and we probably don't have as much time as we think. What about you…are you up for the challenge? I double dog dare you to invite someone to church this Sunday!

Friday, February 18, 2011


I have enjoyed being a fulltime pastor for about 4 years now…my first six years in the ministry I was a bi-vocational pastor. To tell the truth, in my short time in pastoral ministry, I have spoken, on more occasions than I care to think, to fellow pastors who had gotten lost in the job of shepherding. Some have just given their heart to their church,… and somewhere along the way…somehow… they lost their heart. I can’t say that I don’t understand, because the emotions that swirl around the position of pastor, especially when dreaded church politics get involved, can be more than the best prepared, highly gifted man could take.

One who has not walked in the shoes of the pastor will never understand what it means to be wrapped in the images of past traditions; or memories of a beloved pastor; or, to be related to by others out of experiences that you did not shape; or, to be loved and trusted far beyond anything you deserve; as well as to be hated and feared beyond any reason or cause that you have contributed to. It’s kind of the way it is for pastors…people invest their lives in their chosen spiritual leader, …and the responsibility is awesome! I doubt there is no one besides a pastor who can understand the pastor’s life…except maybe the pastor’s spouse!

When you are a pastor, as much as you want to be and try to be, it is hard to be…yourself. You are the projection of all the ideas, and emotions, and expectations that people have about pastors and the church… both good and bad. Seldom do people really see you for who you truly are. They more likely see who they think you are, or who they want you to be. I think the real danger comes when you begin to see yourself the way that others see you.

It reminds me of a plaque that a pastor received from his congregation for Pastor Appreciation Month. It read: “Pastor, The reason that you man so much to me is that when I look at you, it is Jesus whom I see.” I suppose that deep down inside… what I would like to think people would say when they see me is… “It’s Jesus whom I see.” By the way, just for the record,…I’m not God;…I’m not even Jesus.

I think it best to just remember who I am and live that life with honesty and integrity. Not trying to be the reflection I see in the faces of my congregation, but the reflection I see when I’m in the depths of prayer. Just a sinful man, who was wonderfully and marvelously saved and transformed by the grace of my Savior…trying to fulfill his God-given ministry the best I can.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


If you are human, you have probably had one of those moments where you feel compelled to do something that seems either irrational or unexplainable, but it doesn’t feel wrong in any way. It’s like a voice inside you is guiding you towards a some specific course of action,…maybe feeling guided to give a sandwich to a homeless person; or to say “Hi” to someone who looked particularly down. Maybe it is something that is gnawing inside you to switch jobs, or break off an engagement, or to pick up the phone and call a friend just to see how they are doing. I’m talking about those actions that maybe at the moment didn’t have any explanation at the time.

Now, I’m not trying to go on some rant about how “we should always listen to God’s voice.” I think one of the greatest challenges in a Christian’s life is being able to recognize, and obey God’s voice when He speak. And, I know I risk being a cynic when I say that I am afraid that most Christians couldn’t distinguish God’s voice from the rumble of their own stomach, let alone do what He says! Some think that God only spoke to people in the Bible and through the Bible, but He doesn’t speak directly to us anymore. How depressing! I mean, if you are a living, breathing Christian with the Spirit of the living God inside you, then how can you not expect, and even anticipate, that God would speak to you on a personal level? Surely we don’t think that God would send His spirit to dwell within our hearts so He could live a quiet, unbothered life in Heaven, filled with games of solitaire and Farmville? I am pretty sure God’s great desire is to have a personal relationship with us…and, that includes two way conversation.

After way too many years of self-inventory, and a few brick walls that I have plowed face first into,…I realize that there are many times when I have heard God’s voice, or maybe felt His direction… but I flat-out ignored it,…denied that I heard or felt it,… or heard the guidance but then just flat-out disobeyed. As you can imagine, those situations always worked out really great for me! I know that God could get our attention and maybe even yell at us in ways that would make us wet our pants,…but He doesn’t. Although He has done it in the past.

I love the story of how God got Moses attention in Exodus 3:1-4 (NIV)…. “Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian, and he led the flock to the far side of the desert and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. There the angel of the LORD appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up. So Moses thought, “I will go over and see this strange sight—why the bush does not burn up.” When the LORD saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, “Moses! Moses!” And Moses said, “Here I am.”

Don’t you just love that?! God presented Moses something fairly eye-catching, but He also gave Moses the choice to either ignore it and continue tending his flock… or, to walk over and see what the burning bush was all about. I’m kinda’ thinking that most people would go over and see what a random, flaming shrubbery is doing in the middle of a mountain. But, as a diligent and responsible shepherd, it’s not such an easy choice when it means leaving behind a flock of sheep that are likely to run around and get lost.  Think about it…doesn’t this sound like a story in our every day lives,… we don’t stop for a moment, and we don’t interact with God because we are too busy doing something else.  Why do we make God wait all the time for us,… but expect instant answers and help when we ask for it?

Mental break…I’m listening to Chris Tomlin singing “I Am A Friend of God" right now as I write this….and, I have to think, what “awesome friends” we are to God sometimes!

Anyway, the easiest way that I can describe what it is like to hear God’s voice is that for me sometimes it feels like a thought or a voice, smaller than our own because our own often is so loud it drowns God’s voice out. And, that voice speaks gently to our hearts and minds. So, when you hear something in the middle of all the chaos of your daily thoughts that is smaller than our own voice listen carefully. Imagine you are at a race track with your friend when a lot of cars are zooming by, and you hear someone faintly calling your name beside you. They may be yelling as loud as they can, but their voice can barely be heard above the noise of the cars…but you can still hear them.

1 Kings 19:11-13 tells of the LORD speaking to Elijah, “The LORD said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the LORD, for the LORD is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave.”

How about the next time you feel a quiet voice, or a subtle inspiration, or any other feeling, thought, or inclination that speaks to you to do something positive…even without rational explanation,…listen, obey, and see what happens!

Lord, make us aware of Your voice. Make us aware of Your passing by in a whisper, so quiet that we sometime can miss You. Speak to us Lord,…and give us ears to hear. Amen.

Monday, February 14, 2011


I wonder what it would be like to have God’s undivided attention for five minutes? I mean just five minutes…after all God is a pretty busy God. So, just a five minute slice of heaven… five minutes alone with the Lord… and then, poof, on you go to whatever happens to be the next thing on your schedule. But, in that five minutes…you could ask anything you wanted. I wonder what I would ask. Would I ask God the big questions about suffering and evil? Or, would I use my time to intervene for loved ones? Would I ask Him if He could just grant us world peace? Would I ask Him what is truth? What would I do with my five minutes with God? What would you do? What would you ask Him, or talk about?…I mean, you only have five minutes.

I have decided that I would simply enjoy His company. If all I got were five minutes, I would not waste them on my own questions and concerns. I really don’t need to understand how suffering and evil works into God’s plan for the universe. I have already learned to trust that God knows how it all fits together…and, quite honestly, that is good enough for me. I don’t really have to worry about my loved ones, either. God is already doing His work in their lives…and, they are in God’s good hands. And, I don’t really think I have to intercede for world peace, or plead for an end to world hunger in my five minutes. I can do that anytime, any day…and, besides no one cares about these issues more than God. So, to bring such concerns to God is a waste of my precious minutes.

So I think I would just enjoy Him! I would praise Him. I would express my love for Him. I would enjoy His undivided attention for five minutes. I would simply lose myself in God’s glory, love and grace. Five minutes spent like that would feel like an eternity!

I think I would spend my five minutes with God much like I spend most of my “quiet time” with God each day…simply sitting in His presence in quiet reverence. Oh, it’s true that I do also do my share of confession (lot’s of confession), petition, and intercession. But, you know, sometimes as I pray those types of prayers,… I always feel like they are somewhat unnecessary, though very much expected of me…I AM a pastor after all! You see…God knows what I need…and He knows what others need before I ask. But, I pray anyway. I pray because I believe God loves to hear from little people like me, that it delights Him to hear us ask. God knows the concerns and thankfulness of my heart. But, I believe it is still important to express my needs and thanks to Him.

Most of my prayer time with God is wordlessly opening my heart to the joy, and awe, and wonder of being with Him. When I am truly with God, it seems as if time stops. Five minutes in God’s presence is an eternity. It is more than enough. I suppose if I had learned anything from God and how He has shown me to live through the example of Jesus…I would give three of my five minutes away to someone who needed them much more. How would you spend your five minutes with God? I would love to hear from you on this.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Have you ever raced down a road, in a hurry to get someplace when you pass flashing yellow words on one of those electronic boards that strike fear into the heart of every motorist: “EXPECT DELAYS .... DETOUR AHEAD?” Occasionally, those signs appear on life’s freeways, too. Things often take longer than we would desire, whether it is: getting over an illness, finishing school, landing a job, weathering a crisis in our life, or waiting for a loved one to accept Christ. Often times we feel like saying, “Hurry up, Lord!” But yet, sometimes the Lord tarries.

In Mark 5: 21-43, we are introduced to Jairus in the first part of our text and we see the anxiousness in Jarius’ heart. Verses 22 and 23 says, “Then one of the synagogue rulers, named Jairus, came there. Seeing Jesus, he fell at his feet and pleaded earnestly with him, ‘My little daughter is dying. Please come and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live.’” Jairus was in the grip of fear, and, one thing I can tell you about fear is that fear is an emotion that we will not miss in heaven.

But soon, his anxiety is relieved. Verse 24 says, “So Jesus went with him.” Jairus must have been relieved that Jesus would come with him to help his little girl. But, the last part of verses 24 and 25, tells us that Jairus faced one delay after another. First it was the crowds that pressed around them. But in the middle of this delay came another delay. It was one of the tenderest stories in the Bible. A desperate woman reaches out and touches the hem of Christ’s garment. His virtue flows from Him into her body, and a sudden healing takes place. She receives freedom from her suffering. It was great for the woman, but not so great for Jairus. The interruption made Jesus late, and it was a fatal delay. In verse 35 we read, “35While Jesus was still speaking, some men came from the house of Jairus, the synagogue ruler. ‘Your daughter is dead,’ they said. ‘Why bother the teacher any more?’”

But yet, Jesus intervenes. He gave Jairus two commands...five words...maybe six depending on the translation you use. But, these five words make all the difference. It is our Lord’s advice that is repeated in various forms throughout the Bible: “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” Folks, these are words that make a difference! These are words we should remember! These are words we should memorize, claim, and obey!

Verses 38-42 tells us… “When they came to the home of the synagogue ruler, Jesus saw a commotion, with people crying and wailing loudly. He went in and said to them, “Why all this commotion and wailing? The child is not dead but asleep.” But they laughed at him. After he put them all out, he took the child’s father and mother and the disciples who were with him, and went in where the child was. He took her by the hand and said to her, “Talitha koum” (which means, “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”). Immediately the girl stood up and walked around (she was twelve years old). At this they were completely astonished."

To others, it seemed Jesus had arrived too late. But Jesus was keeping His own clock... His pace was perfect. If you’re impatient today, and it seems you’re just “having to wait on the Lord” ... and, you’re passing those yellow “Expect Delays” signs, remember that when it seems that the Lord is slow to responding to you, He might be deepening your faith. When you have prayed so long for the lost of your family, or the end to a crisis in your life He gives you His advise, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” Remember that He is totally in control. Everything is in His time. Even when we would like to say “Lord, could You hurry a little?”

Saturday, February 12, 2011


My mind this morning is drawn to one of the most poignant pictures painted in the Bible about Jesus and His disciples. Over the past three years the disciples have seen Jesus in many ways.
  • They've seen him feed the 5,000 with five loaves of bread and two fish,
  • They’ve witness Him quieting a raging sea with a spoken word,
  • They saw Him heal ten lepers,
  • Give sight to the blind,
  • Teach as one who has authority.
  • They've even saw him stand at a dead man's grave and say, “Lazarus! Come out!”…and he did!
They were there just days earlier when people lined the streets, waving palm branches and shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the Name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!” (Matthew 21:9)  But now, they've gathered around a table, the last table they would share before the cross. Try to picture this scene. Imagine the smells and aromas of a great meal! Listen to the conversation as these close friends talk amongst themselves about what they think is to come! You can almost feel the excitement of friends enjoying a great celebration!

It is at this very moment that Jesus does the unthinkable. John 13:1 begins the story: “It was just before the Passover Feast. Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love.”  He gets up, takes off his outer garment, pours water into a basin and kneels before one of His disciples. He then takes off the man's sandals, and gently washes his feet. His disciples were no doubt stunned and amazed…likely even a little embarrassed. If they had pins back in those days, you probably could have heard one drop. The King…this blessed One from God…is acting like a servant.

We really don't know which disciple Jesus knelt before first. It could have been Nathaniel, or Thomas, or James,… it really could have been any one of them. However, we do know that when Jesus looked at him, He saw someone for whom He was willing to give everything…even His life. And when the disciple looked down at Jesus, he looked into the face of love.

Here’s what I am thinking….each Sunday, I am blessed by God to stand before my congregation, just as thousands of other pastors, and I look out into a vast array of faces. There are young faces and old faces; there are familiar faces and unknown faces; there are a lot of kind faces mixed in with a few stern faces; there are energetic faces and tired faces. There are faces that radiate joy, and faces that reflect pain. There are even faces that show no emotion at all. But, when we look at them, what is it that we really see? Do we see what separates us, or what unites us? Do we just notice how big or small the crowd, or do we notice individuals to love? And, I suppose more importantly,… have we ever wondered what Jesus sees? The answer to the last question is easy. He sees people He came to serve,… people on whom He has compassion,… people for whom He gave His very life.

This Sunday, I am going to ask God to help me see people in my congregation like He does. There is no one that God doesn't notice. There is not one He doesn't love. There is none He isn't willing to serve. I pray the same be said of me.

Lord, when You walked this earth, You showed people the Father. Help me to do likewise. Give me a love for people that is beyond my own ability. When people see me may they really see You. May they see Your face, a face of love. Amen.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Father, my heart is broken for friends, family members, and those you have carefully placed in my life who do not know You, who reject You, and Your Word. I pray their eyes and hearts be opened to receive You and Your gift of salvation. Where there are doubts, allow them to see as Christ did for Thomas. Where there are questions, soften their hearts to receive answers when they are given. I pray that they receive the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You, and let the eyes of their understanding be enlightened; so that they will understand the gospel when it is presented to them so that the devil cannot snatch it away.

Jesus, You said in John 6:44 that “…no one can come to You unless the Father who sent You draws them,” and You said in John 12:32 that “…if You are lifted up from the earth, You will draw all peoples to Yourself. ” For You have come to seek and to save those who have strayed and are lost. Jesus, You also said in John 6:37 that “all whom the Father gives and entrusts to You will come to You; and the ones who comes to You, You will most certainly not cast out and will never, never, reject anyone who comes to You.” May that truth of Your love be so real to them, that they come back to You and may they see You the way the prodigal son saw his Father,…watching, and ready, and waiting for their return. May they experience the breadth, the length, the depth, and the heights of the love of Christ towards them. And just like the Father was watching for the prodigal son to come home, so You too are watching and waiting for these lost ones to return to You, not maybe, not possibly, but WILL come back to You.

Let them know Your grace and mercy. I pray Lord that you will show me when the time is right to plant Your seed in their hearts so that your Spirit can make it grow. Give me wisdom and the words You would have me to speak. Give me the strength and conviction to tear down strongholds that have been built against You. Lord, I am believing and thanking you for the salvation of these special people in my life, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I place their names on Your holy altar. I pray you will give to them a thirst and a hunger that only Your holy teachings can satisfy. I pray this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray for all my unsaved family and friends. I pray for Your Holy Spirit to cover and bind the spirits of control, lying, deception, and spirits of evil over them, and I ask You to remove the veils that satan has blinded their minds with in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray, Father, that Your truth will shine on them and that You will bring them into your kingdom. I pray that they will come to Jesus, and ask Him into their hearts as their Lord and Savior. Dear Lord I pray they seek to have a closer relationship with You, in Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


I find my heart heavy this morning for people who are lonely. Some of them have people all around them, but they are still living in a lonely place that is hard to explain. When we were growing up and plans for our lives were being formulated, I’m pretty certain that the our hopes and dreams didn’t include loneliness. Yet, throughout all of our society there are so many people who struggle with that loneliness everyday. And, they are trying to have their loneliness understood by people in their lives who have never lived alone. Someone has always been there for them, whether it was their parents, or roommates in college, maybe a spouse, or kids. And, they think others could never be as lonely as me.

I don’t think anything can be so lonely as being suddenly alone when your world has been shaken by divorce, or death of your mate, or a close friend. There are just so many things that cause us to be suddenly alone. It is so hard to learn to trust again, it is hard to allow ourselves the transparency to confide in someone else. Most of all, it must be so frustrating when you cannot find someone who can understand your hurts and pains, or provide the comfort you so deeply desire.

It would be easy to begin to wonder: Who am I, and where am I going? Will I ever be happy again? Why me? Everything just seems to magnify the fact that you are alone. And, in the middle of all that, it is easiest to fall prey to emotions of rejection. Fear, anxiety, and worry quickly fill lonely hours. Don’t you know that there are so many in our world who just need to be loved…who just need to feel safe.

It’s in those deep moments that those who are lonely begin to think God has let them down. The lonely mind can easily begin to question if God even exist. And, if He does… He certainly must be indifferent to their pain. But, take heart today…God is not indifferent. Jesus tell us, “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” So, I know God hears those lonely cries for help, and encourages all to draw near to Him. He is there to guide and give comfort.

Father I thank You today for your presence in my own life. I trust in Your love for me and I know You always have my best interest at heart. So I'm asking You now, to bring people into the live of those who are searching for good and trusting relationships. Remove from them their feelings of loneliness, and complete them with loving companionship just as you have blessed me with my loving wife and companion. Thank you Father…in Jesus name I pray…amen.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my journey with Christ,…and, what a journey it has been! As a man who waited way to long in life to begin my walk with Christ, I truly savor every moment I have with Jesus now. It was on October 8, 1997, that I invited Jesus to take this journey through life with me as my personal friend, as one who sticks closer than a brother, and Jesus has never yet disappointed me,…though it is likely I have far too often disappointed my Jesus.

None-the-less, He draws along side me for my journey just as the Bible describes how He pulled up next to people in His time on this earth… just to walk with them. He did it with Matthew at the tax office. He did it with Peter and his fishing buddies along the sea. He walked along with Zacchaeus to his house for supper. Can you imagine that…supper with Jesus?!!! Even after He was raised from the dead, we find that Jesus came walking with two men on a journey from Jerusalem to Emmaus. Luke 24:15(NKJV) says… “So it was, while they conversed and reasoned, that Jesus Himself drew near and went with them.” These men were not men of great importance, or stature…they were just plain guys like me…but, they got to hear the sound of Jesus’ sandaled feet!

Knowing that presence of Jesus…the presence where you can hear His sandals…only comes when you give Him permission to live in your heart. It is then that you can know He is there to begin and end your day with you. It is when you can hear Jesus sandals that you become aware of His touch in all aspects of your life. I think all too often we miss walking with Jesus because we don’t realize that not only did Jesus invade history…but He STAYED…in the person of our Comforter! He is with you now! Maybe we need to not be in such a hurry to get through our journey with Him that we miss the walk.

Jesus, thank you that You are always ready to draw near to me…to make your presence known…and to walk with me. Amen

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Psalm 62:1-2(NRSV) says to us…“For God alone my soul waits in silence, from him comes my salvation. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall never be shaken.”

Leaning back from my work for a while, I just sit here in quiet contemplation of God and His goodness. The dog we are caring for is sleeping, my wife is out doing her wife stuff, and I have this moment of golden silence when I can simply bask in God’s presence. When all the racket of our busy lives is quieted, it seems we can get a clear channel from our heart directly to God as He speaks from His.

I suppose silence could also seem to be loud and almost intimidating if we are impatiently waiting for answers to our prayers. It’s in those times that God’s silence almost thunders at us, rattling our confidence as we are left with wondering if He has abandoned us. In those loud times of God’s silence, we must place our hope in two great truths: the truth of God’s faithfulness, and the truth of God’s sovereignty. It is only when we put our hope in Him that we will not be disappointed…even when the answer is not what we expected. It is wise to simply trust Him and wait patiently in the silence as our faith is tested and strengthened.

I have learned that sitting in silence, whether it is in the “loud” silence of unanswered prayer, or the “quiet” silence of enjoying God’s presence, gives God a chance to bless me. As we wait and watch in silence, God touches us with the blessing of His presence. Our silence draws us into this wonderful moment of intimacy with God. His best gift, the gift of Himself, is most often given to us in silence.

God, when I sit in the loudness of Your silence and cannot hear Your voice, help me to rest in Your constant love and the intimate quiet silence of Your presence. Amen

Monday, February 7, 2011


Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker! (Psalm 95:6 NKJV).

I think most of us can remember the admonitions of our parents, or other well meaning adults to…“Stand up straight!” “Sit up!” “Stop fidgeting around!” All those commands usually came from moms and dads who wanted their kids to have a posture that would present them as respectable, attentive, and confident. At the ripe old age of 6 or 7, I suppose my weekly nap, sprawled out on the front pew every Sunday, as the pastor delivered a brilliantly crafted message, frustrated and challenged my mom in her efforts to have her youngest son to sit like a perfect little gentleman in church.

Well, now more than 5 decades later, I suppose I must admit that as an adult,…and now as a pastor…I find myself dealing with these posture issues with a more serious mind. It is true that I don’t have to deal with a 7 year old sprawled out on the front pew as I am trying to preach, but, I do take note of the posture of those who are catching a few zzzzz’s in the middle of my message. My concern is not so much on whether they stay awake I’m simply concerned that because of their posture and slouching, they will fall out of their pews and get hurt.

I suppose as I think about our posture before the Lord, the deeper question really is, “Why does posture matter?” And, I believe the simple answer is that it matters because our physical postures reveal much about the internal attitudes of our hearts. For example...
  • What does a guy do when he asks his sweetheart to marry him?…He gets on one knee.
  • What do we do when we hear the national anthem?…We put our hands over our hearts and look to the American flag.
  • What do soldiers do when they see a senior officer?…They salute.
In all of these circumstances, posture matters.

Even though we oldsters often try to rebuke the youngsters concerning their posture, I believe children can actually teach us a lot about the connection between physical actions and our inward emotions. You see, most children know exactly how to react in a posture that reflects their true feelings. A child in pain does not need to be told to run to their parent with their trembling little arms thrust desperately in the air…They just do it! And no good parent needs to read a book to determine what that expression means! It is clear the child is saying, “Hold me! Comfort me! I need you!”

Children teach us better than anyone how a simple and unhindered physical expression speaks volumes about the emotions of their heart. Sadly, I am afraid that when it comes to our Heavenly Father, we often forget the physical expressions that once came so easily when we were children. Too often, we “dignified” grown-ups prefer to separate the emotional and spiritual expressions of our hearts from the physical realm. We emphasize the importance of our internal emotion, but then are content to excuse the outward expression that should go along with it. This is not the example we find in the Bible.

Time after time in the scriptures we see godly men and women running to God the Father in pain, in joy, in reverence, and in worship, with physical expressions of these inward emotions. From these passionate God-followers of the Bible we learn an age old truth…our posture toward God matters.

I challenge you to consider what your posture say about your life. Does the way you pray, worship, or show your love for God physically show your heart toward your Heavenly Father? In other words, does your physical posture line up with your heart posture? If not, maybe it’s time for a change. But, you don’t have to make the change by yourself. Ask the Lord, Himself to cause it to happen in your life. You won’t regret it. And, your God is anxiously waiting for you!

Lord, forgive me for too frequently not physically expressing my love for You. I really want my body to line up with my heart, but that’s not easy, especially in public. Would You, in Your mercy, cause my love for You to simply overwhelm my fear of what others think. Thank You for working in me. I ask it in Christ’s name, Amen.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Michael W. Smith - Agnus Dei


I was sitting this morning meditating for a bit on Psalm 22, and was moved to my own moment of praise. I am never short of amazed when I read these words written about a thousand years before Jesus was born, but it lays out a forecast of many things that happened during his trial and crucifixion. It appears just a little strange that a psalm that captures such a difficult and horrific event would contain such praise as you find in verses 22 and 23: “I will declare your name to my brothers; in the congregation I will praise you. You who fear the LORD, praise him! All you descendants of Jacob, honor him! Revere him, all you descendants of Israel! (NIV).” Yet, it so speaks so clearly to, and directs our attention to the hopefulness we can all have in our most difficult situations.

Just as Jesus did not stay in the grave, but was gloriously resurrected…all the dreams, and hopes, and goals, that have died for you can come to life again! You can indeed praise God in the middle of your troubles because death isn’t final. You, brothers and sisters in Christ,…have joy and life as your ultimate destination!

God, I thank you that I can stand before you in praise because of You wonderful and marvelous work in my life. I give to You all glory and honor…amen.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Aaarg!…My Pastor’s on FaceBook!

It use to be that my Christian appearances were simple enough to demonstrate to others my love for Jesus. All I would needed were a couple of bumper stickers that got the message out to everyone who passed by it parked at the grocery store, or who were following me way too closely. But, now I recognize how bumper stickers are just so last year. With today's technology, we've got so much more to worry about... like the dreaded facebook friend request from my pastor. I mean…MY PASTOR…for crying out loud! Talk about being put in a tough spot! If I didn't accept it, he would probably call me out in front of the whole congregation telling them that they needed to pray for me, because I was the actual person being referenced in the Bible when it says, 'Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.'" On the other hand, if I accepted his friend request, he would know that the halo above my head in church was actually just stolen from my kids Halloween (please read “Fall Festival”) costume.

So, I thought maybe a little research would be in order. I mean how bad could my facebook posts really be anyway? I mean…I’m only just another Christian on facebook,… I'm sure my facebook statuses wouldn't be too bad... right? I thought that maybe it would be a good idea to review my statuses over the past 30 days to see what kind of intellectual, spiritual, and stimulating stuff my pastor would see if I chose to befriend him. I didn't have to go too far because the last one I posted right before his friend request was to call another lady in the church a "grey haired mule" when I wished her a happy birthday. It is true that it cost me valuable points with that woman (she really needs to develop a sense of humor),…but, surely it earned me some honesty points with my pastor because he knows her as well… and has to realize that under that hair dye,… she could be Bob Barker.

A little farther back, I found one that could probably use some explaining. I was cheering for the Bears and my buddy was a Packer fan and the loser was going to have to praise the other's masculinity (sounds fruity I know, but it was his idea). So THAT is why I posted that we was even more manly than RuPaul. If nothing else, that ought to test my pastor in the whole non-judgmental and forgiveness thing, right?

Who am I kidding,…I best just accept his friend request,… put out a quick post that read, "Golly, there aren't enough hours in the day to read my Bible.” Maybe that will be sufficient to protect me from guilt inducing comments from him on my status updates.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


“For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:15-16 (NKJV)

Have you ever faced those days when you feel like no one appreciates the pressures of life that are so unique to you? Maybe you are in such an exceptional situation that you know that very few really could appreciate your stress. Let me encourage you with this: God knows you intimately and He cares about what concerns you. God knows the hidden thoughts and cries of your heart, and can see your circumstances from a viewpoint we cannot even comprehend. He knows how you feel when you are emotionally spent.

Take comfort…have peace…in knowing that God understands you very well…even better than you know yourself. He can help you overcome any challenge you face. Trust in Him today.

Lord, thank you for understanding and loving me. Help me to always remember that no matter what happens, You will help me through. Amen

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I suppose I must confess to spending much of my life having been entertained by Paul Harvey’s distinct voice telling some obscure tale, bringing us to that climactic point when he would say, “Now…the rest of the story.” That is kind of what is rambling through the dusty corridors of my mind this morning regarding the Christian life and what it means to be holy and sanctified.

Jesus Christ purchased our redemption and salvation upon the cross. When we accept the gospel of Jesus Christ and receive the new birth, we receive all that was done for us at Calvary. We are declared righteous in God's sight because our sins have been forgiven. We were released from all condemnation and passed from death to life. But, this is where much of Christianity stops the story. This is where the confusion in doctrine and practice enter the picture. Salvation is not just about receiving the new birth and legally being declared righteous. There is "the rest of the story" and that is wrapped up in the Biblical term "sanctification".

The word "sanctification" simply means to be "set apart". Wrapped up in the word are words such as "purity" and "holiness". Sanctification is the daily experience a believer lives as he walks and grows in the faith. The gospel not only gives us the righteousness of Christ to deliver us from the condemnation of the law; it gives us the righteousness of Christ as a personal experience in order that we may become and reflect HIS character. Sanctification is the other half of the "good news" that the gospel brings regarding salvation.

When God justified us, He did not intend for our Christian life to turn out like many of the criminal cases in our court system. How often do we see a person "escaping judgment" for crimes committed. It is all too often, the person "given a new lease on life" simply goes out and commits the same crime again and ends up in the courtroom over and over again. This is NOT how God intended the life of a believer to be.

Once we have received from God the grace and forgiveness of our sins, we are to seek to please God through a holy and righteous lifestyle. Why on earth would we take the amazing freedom granted in the courtroom when God wiped all charges off the books against us as a license to go back out and sin again? This makes no sense and is a slap in the face of our defense attorney, Jesus Christ, who gave his life to set us free… and the righteous judge, God, who by His mercy acquitted us. And, understand…this has nothing to do with "forced legalistic conformity to rules of behavior.”

Sanctification and holiness are the part of the awesome privilege of reflecting Christ's image through the renewing of our minds to His Word. Sanctification should be something believers WANT to achieve in their walk, and are empowered to do so through the Holy Spirit. It is not something equivalent to a forced labor camp. Sanctification is simply "setting yourself apart" from the pollution of this world. Sanctification is simply the state of being transformed, by the renewing of your mind, to the point you think as Christ would think if He were here…You would live, act, think, and BE holy…as He is holy. Sanctification is only desired by those who view Christianity as a lifestyle and not a religion. Sanctification is only diligently pursued by those who want to "put on the mind of Christ" and think, speak and live as He is. Sanctification will never be sought by the lukewarm believer who is satisfied with Jesus as Savior instead of Jesus as Lord.
  • Sanctification is the natural desire that springs from an intense and burning love for Jesus.
  • Sanctification is not a set of prescribed laws and rules that wrap a person under the suffocating blanket of oppression.
  • Sanctification is not about rules, it is about LIFE.
  • Sanctification is about living life as Christ would live it… if He were living in you.
  • Sanctification is being able to boldly say; "He who has seen me, has seen Jesus".
  • Sanctification is what the love in our hearts for Jesus wants more than anything else.
Sanctification is an excellent Biblical word that presents the high and lofty goal of being AS HE IS,… SO ARE WE in this world…and THAT is the “rest of the story.”

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


If you have been a Christian for any length of time, it is likely there have come some dark times when you have felt that the Lord has forgotten you. And, if you haven’t felt that way…get ready, cause the time is probably right around the corner. Maybe you are out there working hard for the Lord…going at your ministry like you’re killin’ snakes! You might be a ministry leader or a pastor…you may be a teacher or nursery worker. It doesn’t matter the title or position you hold, you are still vulnerable to the enemies attacks. And, when he attacks, his first tactic is to separate you from God.

There are likely some who are reading this today, who at this very moment feel forgotten, alone, and abandoned. It seemed in the past that you heard the voice of God so loud and clear…but, right now, for some reason,…He seems silent…you can’t hear Him at all. You used to feel like you were so close to Him…but, your work and labor for the Lord has taken away your intimacy with the Lord, and You feel like the One who called you…. is SO far away. You might have even begun to assume He’s forgotten you. He has sent you where you are, and assigned you the task you work at, just to basically to get you out of the way so that He can get to more important things.

Of course you’ve prayed….you’ve read your Bible….you’ve fasted….and NOTHING. So, the only logical conclusion is that He’s forgotten you and that you, for some reason, no longer matter.


Isaiah 49:14-16 says to us, “But Zion said, ‘The LORD has forsaken me, the Lord has forgotten me.’ “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I WILL NOT FORGET YOU! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;” (my emphasis)

We need to remember that the enemy is real…and wants us to feel abandoned and alone!  But, the reality is this…if He called you…He WILL finish what He started! Philippians 1:6 says, “…being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

He is still with you! He will NEVER leave you or forsake you! I don’t know what you might be going through this moment… but, HE DOES! And, He will fill you with HIS Spirit and HIS strength… and He will sustain you. Don’t give up on the God who hasn’t given up on you. Even though you can’t feel that He’s with you…that doesn’t change the fact that He’s there. You’re not forgotten. If you are still sucking in oxygen, then He isn’t finished with you! Understand weary fellow travelers…the Church’s best days are ahead of Her…not behind Her…and He’s called US to be a part of it!!! He has NOT forgotten you!

But Zion said, “The LORD has forsaken me, the Lord has forgotten me.” “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;”