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Tuesday, January 18, 2011


“Rejoice with me, because I have found my sheep which was lost.” (Luke 15:6 AMP)

My wife and I have taken on the task of watching a friend’s dog for a couple of months while our friend vacations in Florida. Gracie is a great dog, and follows us around all over the house when she isn’t sleeping on the back of the sofa by the living room window guarding the house. This morning Connie took laundry downstairs and Gracie apparently followed her. Soon, Gracie was off exploring the corners of our basement, when Connie returned upstairs…closing the door behind her…not realizing Gracie was still downstairs. It was time to take Gracie out to do the things dogs need to do…but, Gracie was nowhere to be found. I could feel the panic begin to set in as we searched room after room… calling for her. But, there was no Gracie. We began to worry if she somehow slipped outside without us knowing, and now she was lost. What was I going to say to our friend? Then, I detected a faint bark, and after searching carefully, discovered Gracie in the basement, behind the shut door. I was just as glad to see her as she was to see me!

So now, I sit down to work, relieved…but, thinking…"When was the last time I searched that diligently for someone who is lost from God?" For a pastor, that is a thought that I don’t really want to ask myself. I want to think that I am always searching for the lost. But, are we? Can we allow all the busyness of our lives distract us from searching diligently for the lost, and instead hope they will get found by themselves.

When I read the parable of the lost sheep in Luke 15, I can see how clearly the tender words of the shepherd paint a beautiful picture of seeking out and finding a lost lamb…a lamb he cares deeply for. God is like that with us. He has such great love for us, that He leaves the 99 to find the one lost. He is diligent in His seeking because He treasures each of His lambs greatly. He seeks us out, not only for salvation, though that is the most important reason,…but, He seeks us out to care for us. He searches every area of our life,… even the basement laundry room…looking for the ways we are distant from Him… the areas of pain we try to hide from Him…all because He wants to protect us from harm and heal our wounds.

When you have wandered, until you found yourself lost, afraid, or alone, know that God is right there for you. And He rejoices when you return to Him, because you are His valuable treasure…you are loved. Maybe this morning, you want to praise God that He is your treasure as well!

Father, I thank you this morning that You so diligently search for me because You treasure me. I love you Lord, and commit myself to discovering what a compassionate Savior you are. Amen

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