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Saturday, March 31, 2012


The Gospel of John, chapter 19, has been the source of my devotions over the past couple of weeks. It is without a doubt one of the most sobering chapters of the New Testament as we witness the brutality thrust upon our Lord. But, as I read the passage carefully, I noticed in Verses 2 and 5, the descriptions of the items that were put on Christ by those who were mocking him. The first item was the crown of thorns. The other was the purple robe. Both items were specifically designed to mock His "kingship." There was a mocking of His “Lordship.” And, as I read those verses, I couldn’t help but wonder: When we declare the kingship or Lordship of Jesus…Are we mocking Him or worshipping Him?

I believe mocking Jesus when we crown Him is something that both lost and saved people are capable of. Lost people do it more overtly. Saved people who aren't walking in the Spirit do it more subtly. Lost people openly blaspheme the name of Jesus. And, there are those we might call “carnal Christians” who say that Jesus is Lord, but don't truly live like it.

John 19 gives us some distinct characteristics of the person who mockingly crowns Jesus Christ. In verse one, we see that those who mockingly crown Him cause Him pain. In verse two, we find that their worship is false and cheap…it is not fitting worship for the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. Verse 5 finds those who mock Jesus’ kingship think less of Him than He really is. Verses 6 and 7, shows us they are Pharisaical…they have placed themselves in the seat of judgment as to who is righteous and who is not. Verses 8 and 9 point to their lack of real faith and confidence. And, in verse 10, those who mockingly crown Jesus think they're in charge.

How do you crown Jesus? Is He Lord…or, are you mocking Him? If one or more of these characteristics describes you, you might want to prayerfully take inventory as to whether or not Jesus is truly the Lord of your life.  There is no time better than right now to bow before Him as your King and worship Him as your Lord and Savior.

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