One of the questions that seem to be a stumbling block for some is “Can I trust the Bible? I mean, if it is just a bunch of writings by sinful mankind…then how can it be inspired by God?” Let me say first of all, that I likely don’t have sufficient answers to convert a non-believer that the Bible is indeed the inspired Word of God. But, some of the facts that men and women much more learned than I, have labored over and researched diligently, may at least provide some area of help to understand.
It is in 2 Peter 1:21, that we read the following words, "men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.” Peter is speaking about the Scriptures and it gives us confidence in believing what those Scriptures reveal to us. The verse tells us that men spoke. So, it is true that men wrote the Word of God. Were they “sinful” men, as some suggest, or were the righteous men…holy men…men who had a deep desire to know God and have found Him. Were they not men who searched for God, and listened carefully to His promptings through the Holy Spirit of God. There are many today who hear from the “spirits” but certainly, not all spirits are Holy.
One of the things that makes the Bible so unique is that it was written over the period of nearly fifteen hundred years. Most Bible scholars believe there were at least forty persons who wrote books. Some of these individuals are well known because they identified themselves as the authors. Paul, James, and Peter all said that they wrote books. Other books, including Kings and Chronicles of the Old Testament, are not identified with any specific authors, yet it is believed that persons, including Ezra the Scribe, studied the official records and compiled the books from them.
The authors were all so different in so many ways. Some were Pharisees, including Paul. Others were fishermen such as Peter and John. Matthew was a tax collector. David was the King of Israel and the man after God's own heart. Amos was a shepherd from Judah who was sent to prophesy against the nation of Israel. But, even though their backgrounds and occupations were so different, these men were still all men who sought, discovered, and followed the will of God.
But, the truly amazing thing to consider is how the Bible, written by over forty men and over a period of fifteen hundred years, has a common theme that runs from Genesis to Revelation…the redemption of sinful man by a gracious and loving God. And, when we consider the theme of God’s redemption, we must concede it is His book.
So, how did God He give us these amazing words? While He granted that man would be the instruments of writing His Words, He carefully spoke His Words into the hearts and minds of man through the power and ministry of the Holy Spirit. Can I say with definitiveness exactly how God oversaw the writing of these precious books? No…but, I am content with the mystery. I can still be confident that the Bible has come directly from God. It is the Gospel…it is the good news of how sinful man can be reconciled to God. I am simply thankful that God has communicated His message of grace to us.
It us likely that many will still have questions regarding the Source of the Bible. My best suggestion would be for you to take the Bible and begin to read it…not as some cheap novel. But, as a powerful insight into who God is…His nature,…His attributes… how He interacts with His people…and His plan of redemption. But, before you begin, take a moment to ask the Lord to give insight and understanding of what this Book means and how it applies to your life. As you do this, you will discover that what the Bible claims about itself is true…that, "Holy men have spoken from God."
“If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.” Jesus…John 15:7 (NKJV)
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