Lord, the countryside is filled with those who are discouraged today. Some are lonely, and feel unnoticed. Some are without work, broke, and in debt. There are so many who are overwhelmed and just worn out. The frustrations of life have them lost, and they don’t even know how they got there. They are searching for doors from which they can escape from the circumstances that bury them in anxiousness and worry.
Teach us, Lord, how to endure. Give to us a clear mind and plan of action. Meet us now Lord, in the center of our greatest needs. Give to us courage to move forward in faith. Restore to our lives hope and joy. Assure us of Your presence and remind us of Your promise to never leave nor forsake. Turn our heart and thoughts in Your direction and away from the enemy of our souls.
Change our hearts, Lord. Allow us to see, that You love us just as we are! And, even though we may be filled with shame or fear, You receive us with Your grace and mercy. Breathe on us a fresh breath of Your love and comfort. Restore our brokenness, and give us rest in Your promises.
We surrender Lord, to You, with the confidence that You make all things work together for good. Thank you, Jesus, for Your salvation and resurrection power that lifts us up from our own tomb of depression and discouragement. Give us the renewed joy of life where we can know that we are constantly in Your love. Make it so, dear Lord! In Jesus' name, Amen.
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