Lord, as I sit to prepare my work for the day…I am burdened on this cold winter day for those whose lives are not the picture of joy that You have blessed me so abundantly with. Lord, I lift the poor, hungry, sick and lonely up to You and your mercy and grace today.
My mind travels quickly to the picture You painted so clearly of the good Samaritan,… and as that picture unfolds, my mind and feelings go in so many directions. When I think of the question “Who is my neighbor?” …and, as I look carefully inside my heart and my conscience, it is painfully clear that I have not always been as faithful to your example as I would like to think, because my response has not always been as that of the Samaritan, but instead my actions have been more like the priest and the Levite.
Sure, I have sometimes said “Good morning” to someone who is obviously a homeless person living on the street, but I am ashamed that I can’t say that I have ever asked how they are doing, or, what I could to do help them. I find myself conflicted about giving money to beggars, and while I try to be polite, I must confess that I have more often rejected the pleas for just a few coins, than responded positively to help.
I can say that I have on occasion stopped to help someone stranded alongside a broken down vehicle, but really, not all that often…and of course only if it looks like they are no threat to me. I haven’t stopped to pick up a hitchhiker in years because I am concerned about my own safety, after all, Lord, today’s world is so dangerous. You understand, don’t you Lord?
I haven’t always been quick to help the people on the margins, the poor, the unemployed, and under-employed,… the people it is easy to overlook. It’s easy to get so busy in my own daily life that I forget their daily life is often so much more challenging. I forget their struggles are for survival, while mine are for pretty much basic needs.
I am ashamed I haven’t always listened with real interest when someone wants to talk about the problems they are facing. I nod my head, but my mind and feelings sometimes are somewhere else. And, it’s not that I am not sympathetic and empathetic to their suffering…but, if I am painfully honest, I just don’t do enough to lessen their suffering.
I am ashamed that as a follower of You, I can still ignore the social injustices of this world and shrug them off, because “What can I do…I am not enough to make a difference?”
And so my prayer today is for the gift of Your empathy and selflessness, for the strength to let go of my possessions,… my safety,… my concerns,… my selfishness,… so I can see everyone I encounter as my neighbor, as did the Samaritan, and to soothe their hurts in whatever way I can. Help me God…to make a difference in the circle of influence You have bless me with. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
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