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Monday, January 31, 2011


How often do we hear people ask the question…“How can I know what God wants NEXT for my life?” I think that is a good question for all of us to ask, but, before we get to that question…we first have to deal with what God is doing NOW. And, if we’re painfully honest with ourselves, the reason we are asking the “what is NEXT” question, is because we don’t want to deal with what God is doing NOW! The thing we need to come to grips with is that God will not reveal what is NEXT… until we are obedient in what He is revealing NOW!

Our Father’s plans for us are absolutely amazing! 1 Corinthians 2:9 says, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.” Ephesians 3:20 tells us, “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine!” He really does want to take us to places that we could never even imagine! But...until we deal with the issues brought before us in our life NOW… He will allow us to stay right where we are. How can we expect Him to trust us with what’s next if we are not obedient with what’s right now!

Look at it this way…let’s say God reveals an area of our life we need to deal with, and instead of becoming obedient and submissive to His leadership we say, “Well, I’m not going to obey THAT…but instead I will do this!” It’s like trying to negotiate a better deal with God. An example would be, “Well, I am not going to stop my ___________ (just fill in the blank with whatever happens to be your favorite sin), even though I know it is destructive to me and to those I love most…but, what I will do instead is I will get involved in lots of Bible studies,…I’ll sing really loud at church…and, I’ll get really involved in serving.”

You see, radical obedience in one area of our lives is not a license to pursue disobedience in another. Christianity is meeting Jesus and then following Him for the rest of our lives…one step at a time. So…what is that step of obedience He is leading you to? What is that thing that always keeps coming up? What is the issue He is wanting you to let go of? Trust me… He’s not making you deal with that issue because He hates you…He wants you to deal with it because He loves you and wants to see greater things. Let’s deal with what’s now so we can really move towards what’s next!

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Have you ever felt uncomfortable when talking to God? I mean, communication with Sovereign God, Creator of all things…really? Does it sometimes intimidate you? I have to confess there are times I have felt uncomfortable talking to God. I’ve maybe just gone through a trial in which I didn’t respond in the way I know God would lead me to respond, and now I’m like Jonah…on my ship to Tarshish, running away and trying to hide from God.

But, as the Holy Spirit begins to speak to me, I soon remember what a joy it is to talk to God. He makes it so easy for us. We don’t have to be afraid of expressing ourselves to God, because all He wants is for us to be honest with ourselves and Him. If you have trouble talking to God, maybe you should ask God to show you how to speak and listen to the Holy Creator.

I don’t believe God minds when we ask Him to help us honor His majesty. I don’t think He is disturbed or impatient when we seek His wisdom and instructions. I believe His is certainly able to show us what an honest, worshipful, and humble heart looks like. We don’t have to be afraid, nor intimidated. God delights in teaching us how to have a deeper, and more intimate relationship with Him.

Lord, I want my words from my heart, and my thoughts from my mind, to always be acceptable to You. So, help me Lord…teach me how to honor You and love You more…Amen.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


In John 15:5, Jesus says, “I am the vine, and you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will bear much fruit; for you can do nothing without me.”

It is an interesting thought…this notion of abiding in Christ. To abide means to stay where you are. Colossians 3:3 gives a picture of exactly where it is that we are to stay. The Apostle Paul writes, “For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” That’s our position…that’s where we are to stay…we are to STAY in Christ. Staying means we don’t just run to Jesus when we’re scared or desperate. Abiding in Christ means we remain in His presence daily…during every season and through every circumstance of life.

Abiding takes more than saying a token prayer, or reading a few biblical words, or singing some praise songs on Sunday. Abiding is not about doing more. It is simply about seeking God and connecting with Him. Today, that connection with God may be about basking in His unconditional love. Tomorrow, my connection may be His strength that I need so much. Whatever our need may be, we can always find it in God’s presence.

Is it possible to live a life in constant contact with God and His love all day long? It was for Jesus. Therefore, it must be possible for us too. Our challenge each day is to find out what it is that God is doing in our little corner of the world, and join Him in doing whatever that is. We need to become aware of how our personal thoughts, and actions, and even our attitudes, relate to our activity with God…our abiding in Him.

It doesn’t take a very hard look to see what God is doing in our neighborhoods, when we take time to see His hand in some of our institutions and services. Look at God’s working in the South Side Mission in Peoria, or at the Pekin Union Mission. Look at God’s working in homeless shelters and food banks. Learn to discern the presence of God in everyday life, and join forces with God in what He is doing. Abiding will become a lot less of a discipline and more of a labor of love in God’s work.

Dear Lord, how I long to live each day with You, abiding in Your love, power, peace, and strength. Lord, I will stay in this moment with thoughts on You until I experience Your connection with me. So, Lord, come meet with me today. Teach me to remain with You always. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Friday, January 28, 2011


Dear God, my heart is burdened this morning for single moms. They are all around us, seeming able to bear the weight of the world on their shoulders, but they carry it more lightly than I think I would in their circumstances. I see them balancing work and home, money and no money, friends who no longer make time to see them. I simply must send up a prayer for them today.

Many of their old friends have moved on with their lives, and if the truth were told, she doesn't have much in common with them anymore. She is lonely, but deeply loving God. She would like company but can’t make time for new friendships and relationships because her waking hours are already full… she is a mom.

She walks when gas is too expensive for the car and goes without new clothes so her child can have shoes or enjoy some pleasure in life to distract from their own loneliness. It is not how she planned for her life to be, and maybe isn’t the way her life started out, but circumstances changed to this life she embraces so fully. Her life is difficult, and she seems so tired much of the time, but you can’t help but be inspired by the love she has for her children.

Lord, I pray you would give these special women the strength to put in the long hours they face each day. Give to them the courage to face those who dismiss them with blaming and knowing nods. Surround them with loving people who will give them joy when they are discouraged; a quiet support when they need someone to just listen; and give to them the ability to maintain a loving life at home; with the deepest knowledge in her heart that You love her. In the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior, Amen.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


I sit here this afternoon contemplating the tragedies that seem to have come front and center in my little world…tragedies involving people I don’t know, people I haven’t met, but yet, people for whom I feel anguish in my soul. There are parents who have just lost their children in a terrible accident. There are classmates and friends who are deeply hurting with grief and lack of answers. There is a young mother who lives next to my daughter, battling for her life fighting cancer. Countless prayers are being offered for her husband, children, and students who are still in shock. Then today, I get an email about a 3 ½ year old boy in Oklahoma, who suddenly became ill, and after a few days in the hospital, has gone to be with the Lord. Tragedies and life threatening battles can’t help but turn our hearts toward our own mortality. So, I sit now and try to find a place of comfort that I am inadequate to find in all of this heart ache.

I cannot remember when I first believed in heaven. I suppose all of us who believe in heaven, have preconceived ideas of what it is like. I remember talking to my mother about heaven before she died. As godly a woman as she was, she couldn’t comprehend it, yet she trusted that she would see many again who had gone before her, and those of us who would follow behind. She also believed she would see Jesus. That was the most exciting knowledge she could have. It was something to look forward to with anticipation! I have heard many tell stories of facing near death situations when they saw Jesus and angels in their room. Some might say they were hallucinations, or figments of their medicated imagination, but, I have yet to hear anyone call them anything but comforting. And, I know that for sure, even though my mother didn’t want to leave this earth, the more her aging body failed her,… the more she looked forward to going “home.”

Jesus tells us in John 14:1-4, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.”

I just read a story of a family whose five-year-old son was hit by a school bus. They were heartbroken because they could not go with him as they wheeled him into the hospital elevator to take him to surgery. They spoke how from the moment he’d been hit in front of their house, he hadn’t said anything. He just laid limp, and in shock in the emergency room as they waited for the doctors to assess the damage to his tiny body. His mother bent down to kiss his little head as the doors opened, and he looked up sleepily,… his blue eyes shown as he looked into his mother’s, then he said “Don’t worry, mommy; Jesus is with me.” He didn’t say, Jesus would be with him. He said, “Jesus IS….”

So, now I think about life after death.  And, as I wonder what happens as we pass through the threshold of this life to the next, my comfort comes from Jesus, himself, who told us “do not let your hearts be troubled.” He is preparing a place for those who trust in Him. He will come get us when our time on this earth is over. All we who are left on this earth have, is our sweet memories, and our hope in heaven, waiting for the day we are reunited. This knowledge gives me joy I cannot explain. I pray it will give comfort to those who are hurting as well.

Lord, give peace to those who find themselves wondering about the end of this life. Let them be comforted that soon they will see You face to face. Thank you for the promise that we who know You, will meet again someday to spend an eternity in Your presence and glory. Amen.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


John 17:4 "I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do."

How many times have we found ourselves screaming... "God, I just can't do this! Why am I doing all this church work anyway? What am I really accomplishing? The world isn't going to fall apart if I resign from certain positions. I need to seriously think about quitting some of these jobs and get a real life!"

I just read a quote recently from the famous writer, Flannery O'Connor. Apparently Ms. O'Connor was asked, "Why do you write?" She answered, "Because I'm good at it." She wasn't being arrogant. She added that she took seriously the parable in Matthew 25, where the Master rewarded his servants who invested their talents, but reprimanded the one who didn't. She went on to say, "I am convinced that every person's talent is a gift, and each of us has a responsibility to use that gift as well as we can and return it to the Giver at least as large as ever…possibly larger."

Those words should slap us back to reality. God has given to me certain gifts and passions; and the reality is:... I couldn't NOT do what I was made to do. I have a spiritual obligation to serve where God had given me gifts and talents. Don't get me wrong...I wasn't commissioned by God to serve in every role,... on every team... or to save the entire world. And, sometimes problems do arise when I try to do too much. So my problem isn't so much that I needed to quit because I wasn't good at what I was doing, but that I needed to realize my human limitations and focus on those things God had purposed me to do.

Jesus appears to have faced struggles with His calling in life. In the Garden of Gethsemane, just prior to his arrest and crucifixion, he prayed, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me..." (Matthew 26:39). Jesus knew the difficult task ahead, and poured out his heart to his Father. However, he totally gave Himself over to His Father's plan when He concluded by saying, "...Yet, not as I will, but as you will."

Jesus couldn't NOT do what He came to earth to do.

If you are part of your church's programs or ministries, hopefully you have realized you are called and gifted to do what you're doing. Sometimes it can be discouraging. And, it's tempting to give throw in the towel. Maybe it's outside pressures or over commitment with doing things you weren't called to do. Sometimes it is obstacles that seemingly arise from nowhere...or even sometimes, a lack of confidence.

The good news is that God is there to help us. When we pour our hearts out to God, He will help us focus on the gifts and talents with which He wants us to serve His Kingdom. And, when we properly invest the talents God has given us, He can multiply it over and over. He will help us know that we can't NOT do what we were made to do!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I remember listening to the rock group “Chicago” as they sang: “Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care?” Risking being accused of having a “rock band theology” I think those are pretty good questions to ask. Do you know what time it is? Do you really care?

It’s in Ecclesiastes 3 that we read words that may have also been more familiar to those of us who grew up in the 60’s, as the words from the song “Turn, turn, turn” by the Byrds.  “To everything there is a season. A time for every purpose under heaven; A time to be born and a time to die.” In other words, there's an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on the earth. So, while there is chronological time measured in hours, minutes, days, etc., there is also opportune time, or perfect and ideal time.

Many of us try to live life in chronological time…we complain we don’t have enough time to go to church,… or to read their Bible,… or to spend time with family,… or to accomplish their lifetime dreams. But, the reality is, we all have the same amount of time each day to accomplish what needs to be done. The difficulty is not in a shortage of time; it is rather a shortage of motivation, desire, and discipline to use our time wisely. More importantly, our lives are not just measured by how long we live. Every life will be measured by what we filled our time in life doing. Time in life is measured by the relationships established,… the love given,… and the impact made for God,…for good in our culture,… and eternity. Because, the way we use the time God gives us clearly reveals our values, our creativity, our focus, our maturity (or lack of maturity) and our self-discipline to prioritize and to fulfill those priorities. That is the recognizing of the opportune, perfect, ideal time. 

Chronological time is slipping away from each of us. “A time to be born; a time to die.” Maybe today is the ideal time…the perfect time…to reestablish God as first place in your soul, time and life.

“Thank you God for this brief time I have to live life on this planet, building relationships, and giving and receiving love. And, thank you that You…at the perfect time…sent Your Son as the redeeming sacrifice for my sins. Amen”

Monday, January 24, 2011


I’m starting to really hate Orville. Oh, I know…when you look at him, he seems like a nice enough guy. You can always count on Orville to be around, up for a good time, and, the life of a party. But, now I am getting some second thoughts about his influence on my life…especially on my pants.

I suppose I should confess that over the last few months I’ve been hanging out way too much with Orville Redenbacher’s Movie Theater Buttered Popcorn. It wasn’t as if I could have been satisfied with the dried up, no taste, no salt, popcorn that Connie insists on buying…that stuff is so dry, you don’t even have to wash your hands after eating it! No, I developed a solid relationship with Orville’s Movie Theater Butter…loaded with salt, and enough butter so you literally can’t hold onto the bag when you get a handful! Maybe I self-justified the healthiness by focusing too much on the bold letters at the top of the box that said “100% whole grain.” Sounds healthy to me!

So…suddenly I find that several pairs of my pants are suddenly too long. At first I thought maybe I was shrinking,…but, now I see clearly that the pants just hang lower, trying to find a comfortable spot under my belly. Now clearly, 7 extra pounds is not a massive crisis, but, if we do the math. I gained 7 pounds in four months. Over a year, that’s a potential 21 extra pounds. That is a big deal!

Connie has been encouraging me to get myself fit…so, I decided that this morning I would start doing what I need to do to get healthier. She is out with our daughter for the day, so, I can get on the exercise equipment without embarrassing myself in front of her. This was not as good an idea as I hoped, because after ten minutes, I was worn out, sweating like I was in a sauna, and needing a shower and change of clothes. I immediately hopped on the scale, hoping to find the 7 pounds that Orville contributed just disappear. It’s pretty apparent, that your metabolism goes on sabbatical when you turn 62 because that little 10 minutes did nothing. It would have been easier to just sit here and “think” more about being healthy. Frustrated, and now resigning myself to wearing pants from the “husky” side of my closet,… I have decided something needs to change. I need to commit myself. I need to apply more focus and purpose to my diet. I need better discipline in my habits.

Do you know that we need to do the same thing with our Deity as we do our diet? Those with great focus and determination to get healthy physically will approach their diet with gusto… devouring spinach, and broccoli and drinking massive amounts of water. We will kill ourselves in the gym, because we made a commitment to being healthy and we go about executing that commitment with a ferocity….all while ignoring our faith.
  • We would read the Bible,… if we think of it.
  • We would grab a little quiet time for meditation,… if nothing else came up.
  • We would pray in between our busy stuff,… if I could fit God into the margins of my day.
And although our pants might start to fit better after a few weeks of physical discipline, our heart and soul continued to suffer as we treat God like a casual hobby,… not a critical Savior. Have you ever done that? Have you ever said, “I just have such a hard time maintaining a consistent prayer time, or Bible time! I’m just not good at forming habits!” Meanwhile, maybe our diet is right on target,…our exercise time is committed… you never miss an episode of your favorite TV show… and your weekly progress reports to your boss are a well organized thing of beauty.

I suppose I wouldn’t have been so bothered by my realization about my diet if the Bible was fuzzy on this issue,… but it is unfortunately not. Here is what Proverbs 3:9 (NLT) says: “Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the best part of everything your land produces.” Other translations use the word, “firstfruits”. What a powerful word! We’re not called to give God the scraps of our life…the leftovers…but rather the “best parts”

Can you imagine what church would be like if everyone gave the best parts of their creativity to the Lord instead of feeding it our leftover and rotting fruit? Can you imagine what church would be like if we gave the best parts of our love? Can you imagine what it would be like for your life if you gave God the best parts of your time, instead of leftover, rotten fruit?

I’m going to try to change that…because I believe when I begin to give God my best parts in the morning, when I start the day with Him,… the rest of the day will look different. I will see His hand more clearly, and hear His voice louder, and feel His touch much closer. Let’s give God our best parts…not leftover rotting fruit.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Psalm 46....1God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, 3though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. Selah 4There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. 5God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day. 6Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; he lifts his voice, the earth melts. 7The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. Selah 8Come and see the works of the LORD, the desolations he has brought on the earth. 9He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth; he breaks the bow and shatters the spear, he burns the shields with fire. 10“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. 11The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. Selah

I have read how this wonderful psalm was such a great comfort to Martin Luther, who used it as the basis of his great hymn: “A Mighty Fortress is Our God.” As I look at it, I can see how it can be just as precious to us today if we’ll look carefully at what the psalmist through the inspiration of God tells us.

First of all he calls God, “an ever-present help in trouble.” The Hebrew word translated as “trouble” literally means “a tight space.” How often have we been in a tight space, where we’re pressed on every side...where our options are limited,…our freedom is restricted .... or maybe our progress toward a goal is stopped? It could be that there are uncontrollable circumstances, or terrible oppositions facing us.

But, verse 2 says: “Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,” What he is saying is that because God is my help.... I will not fear when the foundations of the world are shaken. He says that when we face circumstances over which we have no control...God is our refuge! He is my divine strategy when I need help. He says, “Be still, and know that I am God.: We must be still!

God’s strategy is completely counter to everything we know in our culture. Think about the pace of family life... especially if you have kids…running to gymnastics; running to school; football practice;… hopefully, dropping them off for church activities;… picking them up; going here; going there. Then of course there is work. You plan out your day; take a stack of stuff home to work on tomorrow; then tomorrow will be full of activity after activity; appointment after appointment; phone call after phone call; all in and endless blur till next Sunday. And then, there is the church schedule. You probably think we pastors sit around...dreaming up stuff for you to do; dreaming up programs for you to be involved in; dreaming up meetings for you to attend; dreaming up committees to form. And, when you put it all together, it goes completely against Psalm 46:10, which tells us....Be still, and know that I am God.  How,…in the chaos of our lives…do we be still?

I wonder what would happen if you put our calendar under the Holy Spirit’s control...He will always reserve time to “be still” with Christ. Release our cares into God’s hands. Only He can solve the insolvable! Only He can storm the impenetrable! Only He can change the unmerciful! Only He can bring sunshine out of storms. He can protect you on the outside (He is our refuge), and strengthen you on the inside (God is our strength). No wonder Martin Luther was inspired to write:

A Mighty fortress is our God,
A bulwark never failing;
Our helper he amid the flood
of mortal ills prevailing.
For still our ancient foe
doth seek to work us woe,
His craft and pow’r are great,
and armed with cruel hat,
on earth is not his equal.

Did we in our own strength confide,
our striving would be losing,
were not the right Man on our side,
the Man of God’s own choosing.
Dost ask who that may be?
Christ Jesus, it is He....
Lord Sabaoth His name,
from age to age the same...
and He must win the battle.

And tho this world, with devils filled,
should threaten to undo us,
we will not fear, for God hath willed
His truth to triumph thru us.
The prince of darkness grim...
we tremble not for Him;
His rage we can endure;
for lo! his doom is sure...
One little word shall fell him.

That word above all earthly pow’rs..
no thanks to them abideth;
the Spirit and the gifts are ours
thru Him who with us sideth.
Let goods and kindred go,
this mortal life also;
the body they may kill;
God’s truth abideth still...
His kingdom is forever.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


That seems to be a reasonable request…especially from those who maybe like to do a little bargaining with God…like,…
  • “God, if you’ll just make me happy…
  • God, I’ll believe in you,
  • And, I’ll come to church on Sundays,
  • And, I’ll put money in the offering,
  • And I’ll try to lead a good life.
And in exchange,
  • You’ll make sure that things go smoothly for me.
  • You’ll see to it that nothing really bad happens,
  • And that I’m able to enjoy at least a comfortable middle-class existence.
  • Because that’s what I deserve as a faithful, obedient believer."
The problem comes when that doesn’t happen,…when the wheels start to come off,…they get angry at God. Because they think they DESERVE something different. They DESERVE to experience their personal vision of what life should be. They DESERVE to be happy! I mean…. what’s the point of following Christ if your life is just as difficult and painful as the life of an unbeliever? GOD, I JUST WANT TO BE HAPPY!!!

Well, let me tell you a secret. God’s primary purpose for you in this life is not to make you HAPPY,…It is to make you HOLY. He did not say, “Be ye happy, for I am happy.” He said, “Be ye HOLY, for I am holy.” And since He is sovereign over everything,.. that means that everything in your life…your job, your marriage, your family, your church. EVERYTHING in your life is designed to accomplish that goal…the goal for you to be HOLY.

Now, I’m not saying that God is opposed to happiness. There are those who have found a measure of happiness in life without God in their lives. Many people enjoy financial wealth, a loving family, and seemingly few problems in life. But, let me assure you that no matter how much happiness you have right now, your life would be more fulfilling with God in it. Knowing God makes a HUGE difference.

Think of it like this…my kids grew up with a little toy…a horse on wheels…that would make some fake kid horse noise when you pulled on the reigns. They would sit on that thing for hours…making it move with their feet. They were HAPPY!…Praise the Lord! Riding that little horse seemed fun to them as a child,…but now that they have grown up and drive a van, with a motor where it is not leg powered, and a horn that doesn’t make a fake horse whinny,… the little toy horse now would seem pretty boring…unless of course they were trying to entertain their own kids. You might think you've got all you'd ever want in life…that you are happy,… but know that you might be saying that from the perspective of someone riding a toy horse.

Jesus said in John 4:13-14 and 6:35, that He could fulfill desires in us that nothing else can fulfill. That's because we're not just physical beings, we're also spiritual beings. It is only God who can fulfill our spiritual hunger and thirst completely. And while we may be “happy” without God, it is only by knowing God that we can have true joy, fulfillment and peace.

Here are a couple of questions for eternity. Do you see the evidence for God’s existence all around you, yet you still refuse to acknowledge Him? What if you never receive God into your life? Well, as I said earlier, you can still enjoy all the benefits of this short life on planet earth. But know that for you it will end here, because you've chosen to reject God. You've accepted the gift (your existence), but rejected the Giver.

I kind of wonder if God maybe hasn't even begun to show off His stuff yet… He has a lot more creative things planned for the next life…for those who haven’t rejected Him? What if eternity in Heaven surpasses this life even more than driving Porsche, surpasses riding a toy plastic horse? If you have rejected God, then you won't be there to see it.

Friday, January 21, 2011


Lord, as I sit to prepare my work for the day…I am burdened on this cold winter day for those whose lives are not the picture of joy that You have blessed me so abundantly with. Lord, I lift the poor, hungry, sick and lonely up to You and your mercy and grace today.

My mind travels quickly to the picture You painted so clearly of the good Samaritan,… and as that picture unfolds, my mind and feelings go in so many directions. When I think of the question “Who is my neighbor?” …and, as I look carefully inside my heart and my conscience, it is painfully clear that I have not always been as faithful to your example as I would like to think, because my response has not always been as that of the Samaritan, but instead my actions have been more like the priest and the Levite.

Sure, I have sometimes said “Good morning” to someone who is obviously a homeless person living on the street, but I am ashamed that I can’t say that I have ever asked how they are doing, or, what I could to do help them. I find myself conflicted about giving money to beggars, and while I try to be polite, I must confess that I have more often rejected the pleas for just a few coins, than responded positively to help.

I can say that I have on occasion stopped to help someone stranded alongside a broken down vehicle, but really, not all that often…and of course only if it looks like they are no threat to me. I haven’t stopped to pick up a hitchhiker in years because I am concerned about my own safety, after all, Lord, today’s world is so dangerous. You understand, don’t you Lord?

I haven’t always been quick to help the people on the margins, the poor, the unemployed, and under-employed,… the people it is easy to overlook. It’s easy to get so busy in my own daily life that I forget their daily life is often so much more challenging. I forget their struggles are for survival, while mine are for pretty much basic needs.

I am ashamed I haven’t always listened with real interest when someone wants to talk about the problems they are facing. I nod my head, but my mind and feelings sometimes are somewhere else. And, it’s not that I am not sympathetic and empathetic to their suffering…but, if I am painfully honest, I just don’t do enough to lessen their suffering.

I am ashamed that as a follower of You, I can still ignore the social injustices of this world and shrug them off, because “What can I do…I am not enough to make a difference?”

And so my prayer today is for the gift of Your empathy and selflessness, for the strength to let go of my possessions,… my safety,… my concerns,… my selfishness,… so I can see everyone I encounter as my neighbor, as did the Samaritan, and to soothe their hurts in whatever way I can. Help me God…to make a difference in the circle of influence You have bless me with. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


One of the questions that seem to be a stumbling block for some is “Can I trust the Bible? I mean, if it is just a bunch of writings by sinful mankind…then how can it be inspired by God?” Let me say first of all, that I likely don’t have sufficient answers to convert a non-believer that the Bible is indeed the inspired Word of God. But, some of the facts that men and women much more learned than I, have labored over and researched diligently, may at least provide some area of help to understand.

It is in 2 Peter 1:21, that we read the following words, "men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.” Peter is speaking about the Scriptures and it gives us confidence in believing what those Scriptures reveal to us. The verse tells us that men spoke. So, it is true that men wrote the Word of God. Were they “sinful” men, as some suggest, or were the righteous men…holy men…men who had a deep desire to know God and have found Him. Were they not men who searched for God, and listened carefully to His promptings through the Holy Spirit of God. There are many today who hear from the “spirits” but certainly, not all spirits are Holy.

One of the things that makes the Bible so unique is that it was written over the period of nearly fifteen hundred years. Most Bible scholars believe there were at least forty persons who wrote books. Some of these individuals are well known because they identified themselves as the authors. Paul, James, and Peter all said that they wrote books. Other books, including Kings and Chronicles of the Old Testament, are not identified with any specific authors, yet it is believed that persons, including Ezra the Scribe, studied the official records and compiled the books from them.

The authors were all so different in so many ways. Some were Pharisees, including Paul. Others were fishermen such as Peter and John. Matthew was a tax collector. David was the King of Israel and the man after God's own heart. Amos was a shepherd from Judah who was sent to prophesy against the nation of Israel. But, even though their backgrounds and occupations were so different, these men were still all men who sought, discovered, and followed the will of God.

But, the truly amazing thing to consider is how the Bible, written by over forty men and over a period of fifteen hundred years, has a common theme that runs from Genesis to Revelation…the redemption of sinful man by a gracious and loving God. And, when we consider the theme of God’s redemption, we must concede it is His book.

So, how did God He give us these amazing words? While He granted that man would be the instruments of writing His Words, He carefully spoke His Words into the hearts and minds of man through the power and ministry of the Holy Spirit. Can I say with definitiveness exactly how God oversaw the writing of these precious books? No…but, I am content with the mystery. I can still be confident that the Bible has come directly from God. It is the Gospel…it is the good news of how sinful man can be reconciled to God. I am simply thankful that God has communicated His message of grace to us.

It us likely that many will still have questions regarding the Source of the Bible. My best suggestion would be for you to take the Bible and begin to read it…not as some cheap novel. But, as a powerful insight into who God is…His nature,…His attributes… how He interacts with His people…and His plan of redemption. But, before you begin, take a moment to ask the Lord to give insight and understanding of what this Book means and how it applies to your life. As you do this, you will discover that what the Bible claims about itself is true…that, "Holy men have spoken from God."

“If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.” Jesus…John 15:7 (NKJV)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Wouldn’t it be great if everyone could receive an overwhelming reason…a sign…that would make everyone believe in God. Granted,… there are plenty of strong factual and philosophical reasons to believe, but have you ever wondered, even for a moment, why doesn't God just exhibit himself in such a blatant way that people would HAVE to believe He exists?

Philip Yancey, in his book, "The Jesus I Never Knew," provides a pretty good answer. He points out to his readers that God has given us the freedom to believe in him or not. And he says, "My faith suffers from too much freedom, too many temptations to disbelieve. At times I want God to overwhelm me, to overcome my doubts with certainty, to give final proofs of his existence and his concern. I want a God without ambiguity, One to whom I can point for the sake of my doubting friends." But then he says, "The more I get to know Jesus, the more impressed I am by what [Dostoevsky] calls the miracle of restraint."

Jesus performed so many miracles in His brief ministry on earth that it leaves me to wonder why there are so many unbelievers around today. I suppose we need for Him to pick up the island of Manhattan, complete with skyscrapers, subways, electronic neon billboards and drop it right before us. But, even with the power to do anything He so wills to instantly convince all skeptics,…he doesn’t. Why not?

It is because God always sustains the free will He created us to have. Yancey says, "Although power can force obedience, only love can summon a response of love, which is the one thing God wants from us and the reason he created us." What God wants… is for His wonderful creation to know Him as our Father, Friend, Comforter, Counselor, Lord…not as mindless robots,…but willingly,… not under compulsion. While He has given us plenty of reason to believe in Him…He doesn't force us to know Him.

Jesus says, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one opens the door, I will come into him" (Revelation 3:20). Christ enters our lives only with our permission. And if we truly want to find out if God is “out there” and what He is like,… He will allow us to find Him and know Him.

God, I want to know You with all my heart. Thank you for the ways You show Yourself to me. Amen

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


“Rejoice with me, because I have found my sheep which was lost.” (Luke 15:6 AMP)

My wife and I have taken on the task of watching a friend’s dog for a couple of months while our friend vacations in Florida. Gracie is a great dog, and follows us around all over the house when she isn’t sleeping on the back of the sofa by the living room window guarding the house. This morning Connie took laundry downstairs and Gracie apparently followed her. Soon, Gracie was off exploring the corners of our basement, when Connie returned upstairs…closing the door behind her…not realizing Gracie was still downstairs. It was time to take Gracie out to do the things dogs need to do…but, Gracie was nowhere to be found. I could feel the panic begin to set in as we searched room after room… calling for her. But, there was no Gracie. We began to worry if she somehow slipped outside without us knowing, and now she was lost. What was I going to say to our friend? Then, I detected a faint bark, and after searching carefully, discovered Gracie in the basement, behind the shut door. I was just as glad to see her as she was to see me!

So now, I sit down to work, relieved…but, thinking…"When was the last time I searched that diligently for someone who is lost from God?" For a pastor, that is a thought that I don’t really want to ask myself. I want to think that I am always searching for the lost. But, are we? Can we allow all the busyness of our lives distract us from searching diligently for the lost, and instead hope they will get found by themselves.

When I read the parable of the lost sheep in Luke 15, I can see how clearly the tender words of the shepherd paint a beautiful picture of seeking out and finding a lost lamb…a lamb he cares deeply for. God is like that with us. He has such great love for us, that He leaves the 99 to find the one lost. He is diligent in His seeking because He treasures each of His lambs greatly. He seeks us out, not only for salvation, though that is the most important reason,…but, He seeks us out to care for us. He searches every area of our life,… even the basement laundry room…looking for the ways we are distant from Him… the areas of pain we try to hide from Him…all because He wants to protect us from harm and heal our wounds.

When you have wandered, until you found yourself lost, afraid, or alone, know that God is right there for you. And He rejoices when you return to Him, because you are His valuable treasure…you are loved. Maybe this morning, you want to praise God that He is your treasure as well!

Father, I thank you this morning that You so diligently search for me because You treasure me. I love you Lord, and commit myself to discovering what a compassionate Savior you are. Amen

Monday, January 17, 2011


Do you believe that God can speak through you? One of the main reasons that God spoke in the Bible was so that the men or women would in turn speak that message to someone else.
  • In Psalm 81:10, we see that God promised David, “Open your mouth and I will fill it."
  • In Exodus 4:12, He promised a very reluctant Moses, “Now go. I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.”
  • It was in Acts 1:8, that Jesus told the disciples, “You will be my witnesses when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.”
  • Acts 2 17-19 repeats God's words through the prophet Joel, “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughter will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.”
I believe the Biblical picture is that God is raising up men and women who are teaching God’s Word and speaking the truth of the gospel. You may be thinking, “But would God speak through me?” The answer is a resounding “Yes!” If you are a person who listens to God,… He will use you to speak to others. He doesn’t pick only the superstars. God chooses the ordinary men and women just like you and me,… to change to world.
  • He chose an ordinary shepherd (David) to be a King,
  • He used an orphaned Hebrew woman (Esther) to save a race from extinction,
  • He used a stuttering exiled prince (Moses) to lead the Israelites out of bondage,
  • He used a Moabite young widow (Ruth) to further the bloodline of the Savior,
  • He used Gideon, hiding in a winepress, to lead the Israelite army,
  • He used a Samaritan woman of bad reputation (the woman at the well) to bring an entire village to Christ,
  • He used uneducated fishermen to spread the gospel,
These were very ordinary people who listened to and obeyed a very extraordinary God.

In 2 Corinthians 5:20 we see that believers in Christ are called His “ambassadors.” An ambassador is a person who represents someone else. We represent Christ to the world, and we do so by the words we speak. He may speak to you through other people…and He may use you to speak to someone as well. I know of no better way to speak God’s words to others than by giving them the gift of encouragement, prayer, and loving praise. God will speak through us if we yield our words to Him.

Dear Lord, Sometimes I think that You just speak through other people. But Your word says that I am an ambassador for Christ. Therefore, I am Your spokesman, whether I realize it or not. I pray that I will represent You well as You speak through me and to me. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


“…For the LORD will go ahead of you, and the God of Israel will protect you from behind.” Isaiah 52:12b (NLT)

There are two major factors that shape how we carry out our everyday lives…the past, and the future. Our past history cannot help but shape and influence our attitudes, perceptions, beliefs, reactions, and fears. And, our future will certainly be instrumental in how we plan our steps, and will be based upon our goals, dreams, and hopes.

Whether you realize it or not, God was fully with you during all your yesterdays tirelessly guarding and guiding your path. He was “Protecting you from behind.” He brought good out of the experiences of our yesterdays that shaped our minds and thoughts; and, in doing so, He prepared us for what will happen in our tomorrows.

God goes ahead of us…pointing us in the right direction; and He goes behind us, protecting us. We can certainly rejoice in knowing that as we follow Him,…He is safeguarding our days.

Lord, thank you for being with us in all of our yesterdays and our tomorrows to come. I give praise to You for blessing my life in so many ways. Amen

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Now and then, my grandsons will come over to visit during the day, and from the quiet of my study, I will hear coming from the television the familiar song… “Who lives in a pineapple under the sea…SpongeBob Squarepants.” Now, as strange as it might seem for us to try to imagine what in the world is a “SpongeBob SquarePants”?…and, why would he live in a pineapple?…sometimes it is just as difficult for some to understand how it is we live in God.

In Acts 17, we find the Apostle Paul in Athens, addressing the Areopagus, trying to communicate to them the scope and extent of God. He says in verses 27-28: “His purpose in all of this was that the nations should seek after God and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him—though he is not far from any one of us. For in him we live and move and exist. As one of your poets says, ‘We are his offspring.’”

Now, I remember as a child, I kind of pictured God as living in outer space. But, it would be a truer statement to say that space is in God. Everything is in God. God holds all of creation in the palm of His hand. He holds the whole world and everything in it in His hand. That includes me…and it includes you. Even as a sponge is in the ocean…though likely not in a pineapple…you are in God. He is your dwelling place. And, it is in your dwelling place that, as Paul wrote, “ him we live and move and exist.”

Thank you God, for including everyone including me…within the reach of Your great love. Amen

Friday, January 14, 2011


In Matthew 15:8 Jesus is quoting God’s words through the prophet Isaiah when He says, “These people honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me…”

I was at a conference a short time ago when a pastor friend was impressing me with his Kindle, e-book reader. He is a bit of a techno-wizard, and was unsuccessfully taking the time to try to bring me into the 21st century. I must admit, though, it was a kind of nifty gadget that was used for reading books that have been converted into a digital, electronic format. The screen is really easy to read, much easier to read than the average computer. And, you can change the size of the text, which is really helpful for those of us who have difficulty with small print. The thing is only about the size of a paperback book, and a little more than a quarter inch thick,…and, it will hold a large number of average size books. I suppose you could have several different versions of the Bible…a dictionary… and probably even a set of encyclopedias on it if you wanted to. You would be able to quickly and easily access loads of information just by touching a couple of buttons. It is amazing!

That electronic gadget can spout out words…even really good words…quicker than most of us can read them. The very Word of God could come flying at us at a hundred miles per hour on a Kindle. But, in the digital world…to that gadget,…those words are all just strings of zeroes and ones in binary language. They have no real meaning to the machine …they have no real value to that digital marvel,… because, just like the Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz,… it doesn’t have a heart.

Which brings me to this thought. Have you ever find yourself mindlessly floating through worship? Do you ever find the words just flooding out of your mouth when suddenly it dawns on you that you are disengaged from worship, and your heart has been left behind? Of course that has never happened to me…at least not since the last time it happened.

We can easily pile up lots of information…words,…music,…prayers,…and even scriptures… and because our heart is not in it, we miss the point of it all. First and foremost, God is looking for our hearts. He’s not interested in a bunch of nice-sounding words flooding forward while our hearts are far away from Him. I don’t know about you, but I don’t ever want the words of the Scripture “These people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me…”… said about me.

Lord, help me as I worship You today. Help me to take inventory of my inner condition, making sure that first and foremost I love You. May Your Spirit ever remind me that nothing else is sufficient to motivate my Christian life. Grant it that my words, thoughts, and heart, never be far from You, Lord. Amen

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I sit here again this morning, looking out my window at the blanket of snow that covers the yard. I remember how as a kid, I both loved and despised winter. I could expect and often experienced grey skies, ice, and snow. But, most of the time, the winter snows were time for fun and adventure. I was reminded of that yesterday morning as I was cruising through my facebook news, and saw a “How to Make Snow Angels” post by a friend.

Nothing in my life as a child was more thrilling than the news that school was called off for snow. It didn’t occur that often, but maybe once or twice a year. And when it did, I think every kid in Ashley would get all bundled up, we poured out of our houses and the antics began: snow angels, snow men and women, forts of snow and ice, catching snowflakes on our tongues, grabbing a sled or piece of cardboard, and endless snow ball fights. And, if we were really lucky, we would get the dangerous sled ride with the sled tied to the bumper of some great dad’s car! I wonder if that’s why they don’t put bumpers on cars anymore? We’d also take mom’s largest mixing bowl and fill it with clean white snow and return it to her. She would add a bit of vanilla and milk…and presto, change-o “snow ice cream”… incredible! It was fresh from the hand of God and mom!

I don’t quite know when the delight of winter began to fade with me. Seems winter shifted to be about adult worrying…about weather traffic,… about clearing the sidewalk and driving… about how the cold damp air brings out aches that won’t go away. I found myself having to deal with whether or not I’d fall on my behind, or field the early morning calls from those who wanted to know if church was to be cancelled or not (I suspect some were just looking for an excuse). It seems that in my older age, I have come to reject God’s gift of winter. Maybe it’s about time that I had an attitude adjustment. Maybe I need to return to the delight of my childhood. Could it be that winter is simply a Sabbath…a time to stop, breathe in crisp cold air, and find some joy along with others in the mystery and beauty of God? Could God be calling me to experience this winter day as one of great joy and delight?

Winter is a time of quiet. Snow muffles the noise. Snow clears the landscape …creating a white blank slate. Winter can send us into solitude…not one filled with fearful silence or one of loneliness…but, a resting place in God. Could God be calling us to experience this winter day as one of silence and prayer…listening for God’s revealing?

The Scripture says “For everything there is the season.” It calls us to listen for God in all the seasons of our lives… all the changes, all the twists and turns in our lives. Listen for God in the season. Listen for God in winter. Listen for God’s will in the midst of the cold winter or winter wonderland of a snowfall. “Be still and know that I am God.”

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


“For you are my hiding place; you protect me from trouble. You surround me with songs of victory.” (Psalm 32:7 NLT)

When I was a kid growing up in southern Illinois, one of my favorite places to spend time in the summer was climbing the catalpa tree in the side yard of our house. That tree had big leaves and low slung branches that made for easy climbing as well as serving as my place of escape. It was in the catalpa tree that I could be anything my imagination would allow, but most often it was just a great place to hide from my mom when she had a chore for me to do. Every now and then those images of my secret hiding place in the catalpa branches can be so vivid in my memory.

I remember how many of my friends used to find a “secret hiding place” under the canopy of a willow tree that sat in the middle of the huge yard at the funeral home in town. It was in those places we could feel safe…wonderfully alone, and yet not fearful at all. We could go there almost anytime and get alone with whatever thoughts were racing through our minds.

Now…so many years later, I find that God still hides me in the secret hiding place of His protection. And, even though God’s secret hiding place is not tangible like the huge leaves of the catalpa tree, or the canopy of branches of the willow, my spirit still recognizes how real this wonderful hiding places is for me today…and I am at peace.

Father, even in the times when I can’t see You or hear You, I know you are there… because You have always been there. I can look back now, Lord, and see that there was never a time You were not present in my life, even when I wasn’t present with You. Thank you for that. Thank you for being my hiding place. Amen.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Some men came carrying a paralytic on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus. When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus. (Luke 5:18-19).

Sometimes our various ministries, our work for the Lord, can begin to be a drudgery. In my own congregation, I can think of those who are involved in Angel Food Ministry. Getting up early on that Saturday morning of Distribution Day in order to be at the church at 4:30am to unload the truck, as well as the time given up on Saturday mornings by the other volunteers, can get burdensome. For those in music ministry, between the time for rehearsals in the middle of the week, and the early Sunday mornings, it can become time-consuming and wearying. For teachers, there is the preparation during the week for the lessons on Sunday. And, in this midst of this busyness for the Lord, we can find it easy to become self-centered and focused on feeling used or taken advantage of. When this happens, maybe it’s time for a heart check to help us to recognize that what we are doing isn’t really about us at all.

Every week people come into our churches with hurts and heartaches that no one else knows anything about. Sometimes those pains are self-inflicted. Other times they are the result of harsh words from another person, or situations over which they have no control.  Maybe a son or daughter has declared they are leaving home… and maybe even leaving their faith, as well. Some may have just received a negative medical diagnosis: cancer or some other serious ailment. Some of the things that trouble people can be minor and others can be life-threatening. All of them, though, are very real to the person who bears them.

I recently read a cry out for prayer, as well as a testimony, from a complete stranger, a woman named Julia, from the St. Louis area, who had a personal story that fits here well.  She said, “During June last year, I had the opportunity to worship God in the midst of heartache and chaos. On June 9, I was told at work that one of my close friends was on her deathbed, and I left to go see her. She was already in a coma by the time I got to the hospital, but I knew she had recently given her life to the Lord. Sunday morning I was scheduled to sing on the worship team. While I was on my way to church, I got word that Wanda had passed away.”

“It was less than a week later, during a major summer storm that hit our area, a tree came through our home. The electricity was out and we were displaced for an entire week. I went to church for the second Sunday in a row with tremendous heartache. When the congregation began to sing “Amazing Grace”, I was undone. I was so grateful to know that my God was with me even in the midst of no power, no immediate home, horrific heat that week, and a heart that still ached for my departed friend. While the immediate circumstances were uncomfortable and frustrating, I had higher hope.”

Just like the paralyzed man’s friends in Luke 5, you and I have the privilege of helping to carry people to the Lord. Oh, we don’t usually physically carry anyone. Yet we get to, in a very real sense, lift that person before the Lord by guiding their eyes and heart and attention to Him. We don’t get to hear all of the stories, but those people are out there. So, if you ever wonder why you do what you do in your called ministry, let Julie Ann’s testimony help keep you on track. We serve the Lord for those who do not know Jesus, and who have dozens of unknown problems, who simply need an encounter with God.

Monday, January 10, 2011


I think that often times we get so caught up in the busyness of doing church, we lose the message of why we exist. As I sit here this morning, contemplating yesterday’s service where we talked about how does God wants us to live life while in we are in exile in this Babylon of our world, I am thinking of how His instructions were permeate our culture…to season to our culture. But, seasoning is not very effective if it only stays in the container.

Among all the good for which the church exists…one of the primary missions of the church is to reconcile people to Christ. We have within us the hope of the world, the message that there is life and freedom in Jesus our Christ. So, while we cannot stop the world from sinning, we CAN point the world to the one who can. We can be salt and light in a dark world. And, folks, THAT is seasoning our culture!

So, as I sit here this morning, preparing for my week, my prayer is that I would never forget how awesome this salvation is! And, I pray that I would never get so comfortable and centered on myself that I forget that there are those still living far from Christ. Paul said it like this in 2 Corinthians 5:16-17: “So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come.”

That gives us a lot to celebrate! But, while celebrating is fun and we don’t want to leave the party…sometimes we forget that it doesn't stop with the celebration. We are not just new and free,…. we have a mission. You see, verses 18-20 goes on to say: “All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God.”

The stakes are high. For some, eternity hangs in the balance. May we never forget that we are called to take this gift of salvation to the world, starting with those we rub shoulders with everyday! Let’s permeate our culture, by being seasoning… salt and light in our Babylon.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Lord, the countryside is filled with those who are discouraged today. Some are lonely, and feel unnoticed. Some are without work, broke, and in debt. There are so many who are overwhelmed and just worn out. The frustrations of life have them lost, and they don’t even know how they got there. They are searching for doors from which they can escape from the circumstances that bury them in anxiousness and worry.

Teach us, Lord, how to endure. Give to us a clear mind and plan of action. Meet us now Lord, in the center of our greatest needs. Give to us courage to move forward in faith. Restore to our lives hope and joy. Assure us of Your presence and remind us of Your promise to never leave nor forsake. Turn our heart and thoughts in Your direction and away from the enemy of our souls.

Change our hearts, Lord. Allow us to see, that You love us just as we are! And, even though we may be filled with shame or fear, You receive us with Your grace and mercy. Breathe on us a fresh breath of Your love and comfort. Restore our brokenness, and give us rest in Your promises.

We surrender Lord, to You, with the confidence that You make all things work together for good. Thank you, Jesus, for Your salvation and resurrection power that lifts us up from our own tomb of depression and discouragement. Give us the renewed joy of life where we can know that we are constantly in Your love. Make it so, dear Lord! In Jesus' name, Amen.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


This verse literally took my breath away this morning:

I love the Lord because he hears my voice and my prayer for mercy.
Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath! - Psalm 116:1-2 (New Living Translation)

Sometimes children can speak so quietly that you have to bend down on their level to hear their meek little voices, unless it is my grandson Evan’s voice…no bending is necessary! Bending down to listen to them not only helps us hear them, but it communicates to them that you hear them, and that they are important to you.

This verse from Psalm 116 gives a beautiful description of how God bends down to hear us. The God who created heaven and earth…the God who is so magnificent that we fear Him…bends down to hear carefully my prayers of mercy and petition. And in return, we begin to yearn for Him. When we begin to comprehend even a little how much he cares for us, our hearts passionately seek Him and we want nothing other than His love. Psalm 73:25 says, "Whom have I in heaven but you? I desire you more than anything on earth."

It's simply incredible, isn't it?!! What an amazing God we serve! To think of the God of all Creation bending down to listen to what we have to say! That blows me away; and makes me want to pray.

Lord, it is my joy to spend time with you and be still, listening and worshipping You. I come before You because I love You and want to talk to You. There is no one greater than you, Lord…no one. You give life, joy, love and forgiveness when I ask it of You. You are merciful, Lord. Hear as I speak with you. I ask for Your hand for comfort, and I ask for your heart that I may understand and feel Your presence in me. In Jesus' name I pray...Amen.

Friday, January 7, 2011


As part of my Old Testament devotion time yesterday morning, I was reading in Joel and was captured by this passage. It comes after a lot of language that is essentially saying, "The consequences of sin and disobedience are rolling down the hill at you and you won't be able to stand it." And, then comes this call of hope from the God who loves his people.

“That is why the LORD says, “Turn to me now, while there is time! Give me your hearts. Come with fasting, weeping, and mourning. Don’t tear your clothing in your grief; instead, tear your hearts.” Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and merciful. He is not easily angered. He is filled with kindness and is eager not to punish you.” (Joel 2:12-13 New Living Translation)

What do you think? Are we wanting to just clean up our appearance and have cleaner clothes on? Or do we want our heart torn and mended by the Lord so that we are different altogether? The latter is harder and takes longer, but it is what the Lord is calling us to do.

Lord, I humbly bow before You, I tear my heart for You…and ask You to show me any sin in my life that I may confess it to You. Cleanse my heart and renew a right spirit within me. Forgive me for thoughts, words, or deeds, that have been part of my life that are not glorifying to You. Through Your Spirit I choose to walk away from these patterns of speech, thought, and action, and live as You would have me live. Forgive and restore me, Lord, and grant me Your marvelous grace. Amen.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


“From heaven the Lord looks down to see if anyone is wise enough to search for Him.” (Psalm 14:2 CEV)

When God looks down from heaven into our little world…our little life…what do you think God is looking for? I mean…why do you suppose God would even bother to look away, even if only for a moment, from all the glorious and marvelous beauty of heaven?

There are those who believe that God’s intention is to catch us doing something, or saying something, or even thinking something that we shouldn’t. But, I really don’t believe that to be the case at all. I would rather believe that what God is doing, is looking for people who are looking for Him. He is searching for those who know there is something more to this life than just taking up a little real estate, and sucking up oxygen for a few short decades.

James 4:7 says “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” I picture our Father looking from the windows of Heaven for those who are drawing near to Him…seeking Him. He loves the fact that you want to know Him. Are you searching for God?

God, I want to know you and love you with all my heart. I come to you, because I love you. You are the Creator of this incredible world which is so big, and yet you are so concerned about me, as well as all of Your creation that You would search for me. Thank You for the ways You make Yourself known to me….Amen

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

God Makes Sense of it All

“Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him.” (Psalm 2:12 NKJV)

Isn’t it true that no matter how hard we try, sometimes we just can’t make sense of what is happening in our life? It seems that the more we try to gather the facts of our circumstances and piece the puzzle together, the more confused we become. It’s as if all the information we are receiving belongs to someone else’s puzzle…not ours! It just doesn’t all fit together!

Let me encourage you today. You see, there is One who is great enough to make sense of our puzzles and circumstances. And, He is wise enough to know exactly what we should do. When we worship God, and take our focus off of little me, and put it on big He…when we focus on His almighty power, and tremble in awe of His wisdom, holiness, and might…we will soon recognize there is nothing too big for Him to handle. God makes sense of our little puzzles if we surrender our situations to His care.

God, I humbly approach your throne of grace in worship, adoration, and surrender. I trust in Your wisdom. Thank you for making sense of all my concerns. Amen

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

God Just Loves to Create!

“The Lord made the heavens and everything in them by His word.” Psalm 33:6 (CEV)

I love reading the accounts of the creation in Genesis, and it is so easy to see that God takes great delight in creating. It is one of His great joys. But, God didn’t stop His creating with those wonderful accounts in Genesis 1 and 2...He still delights in creating worlds of joy for you and I. Psalm 37:4 tells us, “Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart.”

He made great plans and purposes for us before we were ever born, and with our birth, He created a desire in us…like planting a garden that He cares for and nurtures so it can grow and flourish. We see then in our lives as we grow and mature, maybe some special hope come to our mind. We know that it originated and was created in us by Him, because the hope looks almost impossible for us to achieve without Him.

Then He creates conditions in our hope, for it to mature and blossom into reality. I believe God takes a great delight in growing us into something that far exceeds what we could ever imagine. He takes even greater delight when our hopes are accomplished, and we recognize from whom the hope was created, and from whom the successes came, and we return to Him all glory and praise. God just loves to create…especially the wonderful things He creates for you and I.

Lord, you are my joy. I know Father, that just as You created all things simply with a word from Your mouth, You are still powerfully creating good things in me. Thank you God!…Amen

Monday, January 3, 2011


In Luke 13:10-13 there is a wonderful story told that speaks to me every time I read it. It is a story about a woman who had an encounter with Jesus. I can imagine it was another Sabbath day, just like so many others. And, as this woman opened her eyes, she had no idea this would be the day that changed her life. She likely groaned as she twisted her crooked body to get out of bed. She may have even thought as many of us do… “I wish I could just stay home today, but it is the Sabbath.”

As she stood, if you can call it that, she was in for another day of looking down at the dirt packed floor, dusty gravel roads, and the mud-caked feet of those who would pass her by. She had been crippled for 18 years, bent over an infirmity that tortured her day and night. It probably didn’t come on all at once, but progressed through the years as if someone were laying bricks on the back of her neck, one-by-one, day-by-day. Her back began to slowly bend under the invisible weight. Now her spine was parallel to the floor and only a hump remained where her strong back had been.

“Feet,… I am so tired of looking at feet.” she thought to herself. “But at least I can see. I can hear. I can speak. I do have much to be thankful for. So today, I go to the synagogue to worship.” She slipped sandals on her feet, and began her shuffle to the temple. Her bent frame prohibited her from looking up, so she couldn’t see his face, but she knew the person who stood to speak was not the usual teacher. This was the teacher and healer everyone was talking about. It’s Jesus!

Jesus began to teach. He spoke with authority and compassion. He explained spiritual truths with everyday stories that made his teaching come alive. She silently prayed,…“Oh I wish I could see his face.” And, no sooner had the words raced across her mind, when Jesus stopped. She could not see him,…but he could see her. The Bible says He called her to him. The woman next to her probably said something like, “Girl…he’s looking right at you!” Unsure of exactly what she should do and after a few moments of internal struggle, faith overcame fear, and the woman was out of her seat, and every eye was on her as she slowly shuffled forward. The other women quietly admired her courage while the men glared at her audacity…women were not to be so bold as to step in the men’s place in front of the teacher.

After her painful and struggling walk, she finally faced Jesus, who bent down, placed his hand on the mountain that had become this woman’s back and leveled the land. She felt warmth surge through her frozen muscles as years of stiffness melted away. Then Jesus pulled her to full attention. For the first time in eighteen years, her crooked spine stood straight! Jesus said, “Woman, you are free from your infirmity.” Her infirmity was gone! And she rose to look into the eyes of the One who had set her free. Tears of joy flooded her cheeks, and she twirled around and raised her hands in praise to God! She laughed, and others rejoiced with her! She no longer had to feel like the dirt she was forced to stare at day in and day out. She was free!

Dear Lord, thank you for calling us out of the darkness and hopelessness of our infirmities…our sin…to receive healing! Thank You Lord, for noticing me, loving me, calling me, and using me to bring glory to Your Name. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


“BLESSED is the man who walks and lives not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path where sinners walk, nor sits down where the scornful gather. But his delight and desire are in the law of the Lord, and on His law. He habitually meditates by day and by night. And he shall be like a tree firmly planted by the streams of water, ready to bring forth its fruit in its season; its leaf also shall not fade or wither; and everything he does shall prosper .” Psalm 1:1-3 Amplified Bible

I believe it is safe to say that most of us have experienced a wounded heart at some time in our life. It is often at those times of hurt that we find it difficult to know where to turn. Sometimes we look outwardly to our friends and loved ones as well as others who contend to know the answers to our hurt, but it seems real comfort is illusive. Sometimes, we look inwardly, we search our soul looking for the answer, but find only more pain and confusion there. So, where can we go to soothe our soul?

Let me say to you that it is no coincidence that your search has brought you to this place of devotion. It is not in looking out or in,…but in looking up to God that you will find what you are seeking. God promises you blessing when you habitually read, meditate on, and embrace His Word. God promises that you will be filled with love, joy, purpose, and peace. And, isn’t that what your heart has been aching for, after all?

God, I need You. Thank you for revealing Yourself to me through the Psalms, and through all of Your Word. Thank you for healing my heart. It is only You who can truly bless me.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


It was always my tendency for much of my life, to put me in the center of my little agenda my life. But, when I do that, life becomes about the pursuit of my dreams. Isn't it interesting all the language we have around that? "Follow your dreams." Or, "I’m living the dream."

And, all we want to do is…Grow up in a dream home life…With dream parents….Get into my dream school…So that one day I can have my dream job….And, I can afford to drive my dream car… And that will help me attract my dream spouse…which I did! Then we can live in our dream house….and have some dream kids. We can go off on our dream vacation to get away from those dream kids. We can have a dream 401K…So that one day we can live in our dream retirement. Then I will die and have a dream funeral… Get laid out in my dream casket….buried in a dream plot of dirt. …Because if I follow my dreams, that's where it always ends up.

What happens is, if I'm doing this and God is PART of my life, then God's job becomes to me… to fulfill MY dream! And, if it's not happening…If I don't get my dream job…Or my dream car…Or the dream spouse…Or the dream house….Then it's God's fault! And, I start getting mad at God because He hasn't fulfilled my dreams.

The invitation of the Bible is NOT to quit dreaming. Dreaming goes way deep in the human heart. The invitation in the Bible is to quit making God the magic genie who is supposed to fulfill my dreams. The invitation in the Bible is to resign from the center of MY life, letting go of my little dreams, and to hook my life to a much bigger and better dream … the dream of God.

Let me tell you a little bit about the dream of God. There is a great word for God's dream. It is the word “shalom.” The word usually gets translated “peace,” but it's way bigger than that. “Shalom” is where things are just the way God created them to be. I believe much of our lives is lived in the pain of the gap between the way things ARE and the way things were created to be. But, in the middle of all the despair, I know that God is reconciling all things unto Himself. Shalom is coming! It is coming because God will have it so!

Shalom always begins in prayer. "Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Your name, YOUR kingdom come, YOUR will be done on earth as it is in heaven." That's shalom! God, use me…. God, use me."

Now Heavenly Father in this moment we just ask Your Spirit to speak to us with open hands and open hearts. God, help us to die to small and petty dreams, and offer our little lives into Your dream for this world and for these people You love. However it is You want to call people into a life of being a blessing for Your world,…You call us right now. We say YES to You. We lay our lives before You,