Father, my heart is broken for friends, family members, and those you have carefully placed in my life who do not know You, who reject You, and Your Word. I pray their eyes and hearts be opened to receive You and Your gift of salvation. Where there are doubts, allow them to see as Christ did for Thomas. Where there are questions, soften their hearts to receive answers when they are given. I pray that they receive the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You, and let the eyes of their understanding be enlightened; so that they will understand the gospel when it is presented to them so that the devil cannot snatch it away.
Jesus, You said in John 6:44 that “…no one can come to You unless the Father who sent You draws them,” and You said in John 12:32 that “…if You are lifted up from the earth, You will draw all peoples to Yourself. ” For You have come to seek and to save those who have strayed and are lost. Jesus, You also said in John 6:37 that “all whom the Father gives and entrusts to You will come to You; and the ones who comes to You, You will most certainly not cast out and will never, never, reject anyone who comes to You.” May that truth of Your love be so real to them, that they come back to You and may they see You the way the prodigal son saw his Father,…watching, and ready, and waiting for their return. May they experience the breadth, the length, the depth, and the heights of the love of Christ towards them. And just like the Father was watching for the prodigal son to come home, so You too are watching and waiting for these lost ones to return to You, not maybe, not possibly, but WILL come back to You.
Let them know Your grace and mercy. I pray Lord that you will show me when the time is right to plant Your seed in their hearts so that your Spirit can make it grow. Give me wisdom and the words You would have me to speak. Give me the strength and conviction to tear down strongholds that have been built against You. Lord, I am believing and thanking you for the salvation of these special people in my life, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I place their names on Your holy altar. I pray you will give to them a thirst and a hunger that only Your holy teachings can satisfy. I pray this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray for all my unsaved family and friends. I pray for Your Holy Spirit to cover and bind the spirits of control, lying, deception, and spirits of evil over them, and I ask You to remove the veils that satan has blinded their minds with in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray, Father, that Your truth will shine on them and that You will bring them into your kingdom. I pray that they will come to Jesus, and ask Him into their hearts as their Lord and Savior. Dear Lord I pray they seek to have a closer relationship with You, in Jesus name I pray. Amen.
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