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Friday, March 2, 2012


We talk about change a lot. We encourage it, especially in others. Change is a beautiful thing. I think it safe to say that some of us love change. We long for it. We labor for it. And the greatest thing of all is…Our God specializes in, and takes delight in change.

I have been reading the Old Testament story of Joseph again. It is a powerful example of how God specializes in change. For at least two long years Joseph prayed for change. I can imagine many of his prayers were for a change in his circumstances. From a very young age, both tragedy and injustice seemed to follow Joseph until Joseph finally found himself in an Egyptian prison…condemned to live out the rest of his life as a prisoner. I can picture him chained to a pillar or wall with heavy irons fastened around his neck and feet. So, with no hope of escape or release, I can fully understand why Joseph would desperately want a change in his circumstances. All I have to endure is a little rough water while trying to navigate through life, and I start crying out to God for deliverance. I’m sure many of Joseph’s prayers were for change.

Then came the answer to Joseph’s prayer. In Genesis 40, God gives Joseph the interpretation of dreams of two of the Pharaoh’s servants who had offended Pharaoh and were confined with Joseph. And, in Chapter 41, we find Pharaoh having a dream that troubled him. When his servants who had been jailed with Joseph told Pharaoh of how Joseph had interpreted their dreams, Pharaoh called for Joseph. Change was taking place in Joseph’s circumstances. And then, in Genesis 41:16 we see these words... "Joseph then answered Pharaoh, saying, 'It is not in me; God will give Pharoah a favorable answer.'"

What amazes me is that not only did God answered his prayer and sent change into Joseph’s life, but I think it is important to notice that before there was any external change,… there was first an internal change. Before God changed Joseph’s circumstances,… He first changed Joseph’s character.

Joseph wanted freedom from the earthly prison that had become his home. God wanted to free him from the prison of pride. Joseph wanted out of the Egyptian dungeon. But, God wanted for Joseph to get out of the dungeon of his own self-reliance. Joseph wanted change….and, so did God!
There is this remarkable transformation that takes place by the time Joseph stands before Pharaoh. There is no longer that little hint of pride in his own ability. Do you remember how as a teenager, Joseph was pretty quick to parade around his dreams? Even when he first entered the prison, Joseph was pretty eager to provide interpretations. But now that he is on the other side of spiritual change…and, standing before the one man who could set him free…standing before the one man who had the power to change his circumstances …Joseph humbly admits his own inability. Joseph acknowledges that only God can give the answer. Joseph has been transformed into a man now surrendered to God,… a man no longer searching, or craving, recognition and validation.

That is my hope of change. Whether I like to admit it, or even want to admit it…too much of my life I have craved validation and recognition. Yes, I do it all in Jesus’ name… but, as I look back…in this strange sort of way…it’s been more about me than it was about Him. Ministry for me was validation….acceptance. I have to confess that too often I longed for the compliments and recognition. It is remarkable how easy it is to preach Christ on the outside, while on the inside I was parading me. But, God is so GOOD! He has been speaking to me so clearly about this and I am feeling the transformation begin. I have always loved change. And one of the biggest changes I have experienced is to give up my craving for validation and recognition. Sure, there are some days when it is still a struggle. But now, for the most part, I am content to stand in the shadows. I am content to be anonymous. I will always be content to be unknown…as long as HE is known! As long as HE is celebrated!

That was the lesson that Joseph had to learn. That is the lesson that I am still learning. And, like most of us, I still pray for a change in my circumstances. But, what I really want is for God to change ME.

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