“The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.” Matthew 13:45-46
Back in my days in the jewelry business, one of my favorite gems…I think because it was the only gem created by a living organism…was the pearl. You can almost get lost in the beauty of a high quality pearl because of the warmth and glow that is found in no other gem, due to its very unique beginning. A salt water oyster embeds itself in the muck and mire of the ocean floor. The formation of a natural pearl begins when a foreign substance slips into the oyster between the mantle tissue and the shell,… which irritates the mantle. It's kind of like the oyster getting a splinter. The oyster's natural reaction is to try to cover up that irritant to protect itself. So, the mantle tissue of the oyster covers the irritant with layers of a mucus like substance called nacre. The nacre substance is the same substance that is used to create the shell. That is why you see the beautifully iridescent mother-of-pearl layers on the inside of the oyster shell.
Those humble beginnings hardly seems to be an appropriate setting for something as beautiful as a pearl. Yet, I have seen strands of magnificent South Sea pearls valued at 100’s of thousands of dollars! And they shine and glow with a radiant beauty despite their early environment. One of my most difficult tasks was to evaluate those pearls for appraisal and determination of value. Not only were the obvious factors, color, quality of skin, roundness, iridescence, etc, all important…but there was the internal factors that could only be determined by x-ray that could determine if the pearl was cultured with man’s help, or if it was a magnificently rare pearl created by the oyster.
I think the same can be said for us as well. No matter what kind of bad situation your life may be in, God sees way beyond that. He sees you as the valuable and worthy person you really are. God goes beyond your own self assessment and the assessment of others who are looking at your outward appearance, and He goes directly to the inside, the heart, the unknowable part of you to make His own appraisal of your merit and significance. God sees the pearl. God looks beyond where you were, and always sees something special in you…and He gave everything to have you for His own!
“Thank you God….I am grateful that You look far enough in me to see what is hidden inside. Thank you for seeing past my being but an ordinary man, and seeing me as one of great value to You . Amen”
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