Lord, this morning I turn my thoughts toward the women and men who have served our nation in times of war and times of peace. I stand before You, God, grateful for the dedication of the heros who have lived and died, suffered, and cried, and stood with pride on ship, battlefield and parade ground. I honor those who gave their lives for peace with courage that others families may be free, so children could grow strong and safe as they would ever be. In giving your life and safety for the sake of peace, you and your families may have suffered loss, your body may still show its wounds from taking up the battle. I pray the remembrance of your personal sacrifice for peace have time to fade away.
So, I take time to pray this morning, Father, that these women and men experience Your healing and comforting presence for the wounds they have known and still know today,… for the losses they have endured and always will endure. I also ask that Your healing and comforting presence be experienced by their families, their children, and their loved ones who have suffered beyond measure along with them, and who have had to endured the anxious loneliness living without them.
I especially ask that Your presence be experienced by the heros of tomorrow,… those who are bravely serving in harms way today. Please, gracious God, guide them to safety, guide them to justice and righteousness in even the toughest of conditions. Bring them home to their husbands, their wives, and their children. Comfort those moms and dads and those who love these patriots, and teach us how we might help them with their troubles. Show to us how to be Your compassionate presence to them as they experience anxiousness, anguish, and the loneliness and pain that comes with the knowns and unknowns of war.
Finally, God, for all of us, for all who are in the service, for America, for the world, we pray for peace. Lead the leaders of the world to the day when “they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; [to a day when] nation shall not lift up sword against nation; neither shall they learn war any more.” (Isaiah 2:4).Grant us Lord, that we would strive more strongly for freedom from causes that sent some away to fight that we may freely live. With gratefulness we thank you, veterans for all you gave and give. We long for Your peace, for Your shalom. In Christ’s name we pray, Amen.
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