Isn’t it true that sometimes we just need to back up a step or two in order to see the bigger picture…you know, to get a little better perspective? It’s something I certainly need to do more often. I have this tendency to get too self-centered and maybe even too close in my approach to life. I don’t know about you but I have to confess that in all my self-confidence and self reliance, I can forget that God has a larger plan and purpose than just me. I might be 64 years old, but I still struggle with that childish thinking that mistakenly believes the entire universe revolves around me. It is true I am a part of the world, but I am not the world. It is also true that God cares about me…and, it’s not just that He cares about me, but He indeed loves me! But, He also loves the other 6.9 billion people who call this planet their home. And yes, He has plans for me, but in the end, those plans are a part of His larger plan for all of humanity as a whole. That is a truth which I need to remember a lot better.
One of my favorite examples of this is Joseph. Do you remember how Joseph was so favored by his father? And, then he was betrayed by his brothers, and sold into slavery. If that weren’t enough, he was falsely accused of rape and imprisoned for a crime he didn’t commit. But, eventually God frees Joseph from his Egyptian prison and in the way only God can do, He positions Joseph as the second most powerful man in the world. It’s a great story of redemption. Often we make Joseph’s personal tragedies and experiences the emphasis of that story. But, in Genesis 50, when he is speaking to his brothers who sold him into slavery, Joseph points us to God’s true purpose with regard to all the events that had come his way. Joseph declares, “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.” Joseph understood that God had a much greater purpose in mind than Joseph’s own personal deliverance from his own personal problems. God knew famine was coming to the world, and in His compassion He set things in motion that guaranteed the survival of His people.
In Psalm 46:10, God reminds us all that the time is coming when He will be exalted. He says through the Psalmist, “Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” All those who oppose Him will eventually bow before Him! The very same tongues that curse His name will one day declare that He is Lord! There may be all sorts of trouble flooding the landscape of this world… but, HIS glory will fill eternity! Our present pain, problems, trials, testing, and temptation will not change this promised outcome. It is going to happen! As sure as the sun rises in the morning….Our God will be exalted!
So, what does this mean for you and me? Just this…All things are subject to His plans and purposes. In Ephesians 5:11, Paul says it this way, “…according to His purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will.” This planet?… It’s subject to His counsel. Every nation?…. Subject to His counsel. Every life threatening problem or sickness we can imagine?… All subject to His counsel. The worst that life has to offer cannot undo His promises and His purposes. No matter what may happen He will be exalted!
Now that encourages me and it should encourage you! Knowing you are a part of His greater purposes! No matter what may happen in your life… He will be exalted! Your recent cancer diagnosis?…It’s subject to His counsel! Your child’s disease or injury?… It’s subject to His counsel! The adversities and difficulties that seem to endlessly plague our personal lives? The daily wrestling with sin? All of them are subject to His counsel! No matter how much I may think the universe revolves around me…my life will not be the one exception…Everything is subject to His counsel! Troubles may come in all their ugliness, but He is causing all things to work together for the good! And more importantly, no matter the situation, no matter how desperate the need… He will be glorified! In my life God has the final word….He will be exalted!